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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Wildland Fire Protection Plan, dated November 8, 2002. Final selection of the <br />species, their number and sizes at planting, shall be subject to the review and approval <br />of the Planning Director; the plantings shall be sufficient in number to screen the wall <br />and are anticipated to be accomplished with a mix of five gallon and one gallon sized <br />shrubs. <br /> <br />14. The Open Space Management Plan and Wildland Protection Plan shall be modified to <br />incorporate the following prior to recordation of the fmal map: <br />... 0 _Extendtherecomm~1l.d~~Lm~llJJw:~Ji!)te_dX()rPar~_els B and D to include Parcel C <br />as well; mowing shall include along Old Vineyard Avenue; ":A;'Stree(and <br />between the property line fences behind Lots 1-5 and the retaining wall. <br />o In the event Parcel A is not grazed in any year, a wildfire management plan <br />satisfactory to the Fire Marshal shall be completed; said plan shall typically <br />include perimeter mowing, fire break mowing, and mowing around the existing <br />house as described in the Open Space Management Plan and Wildland Protection <br />Plan. <br />These modifications shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. <br />The modified plan shall be incorporated by reference or abstract in the CC&Rs or <br />other materials which shall be recorded with the [mal map requiring the owners' <br />association and owner of Parcel A to follow the recommendations of the plan. <br /> <br />15. The rear lot lines for Lots 1-5 shall be adjusted so that a minimum five feet exists <br />between the rear lot line fence and the face of the retaining wall. This area shall be a <br />part of Parcel C and shall contain the drainage swale at the tope of the wall and the <br />fire buffer, mowed area described in Condition No. 14 above. <br /> <br />16. When retaining walls are offset as shown in Lots 6-9, appropriate retaining walls shall <br />also be constructed on the property line to link the walls, as necessary; such walls <br />shall be shown on the final grading plan and shall be reviewed and approved by the <br />Planning Director prior to the approval of the final map. <br /> <br />17. The retaining wall shown along" A" Street at Old Vineyard A venue shall be either a <br />decorative wall or shall be set back sufficiently to have shrub landscaping planted <br />between it and the horse path. Final design shall be subject to review and approval by <br />the Plarming Director prior to approval of the final map. <br /> <br />18. As the overhead utility Jines along Old Vineyard Avenue are to be removed, no <br />retaining walls around existing poles as shown on the tentative map preliminary <br />grading and utility plan shall be used. <br /> <br />Tract 7399, Northstar Development <br />