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connect the residents within each neighborhood, and by helping <br />neighborhood leaders share information across neighborhood boundaries. <br /> <br />Sentence Seven: "The City's future, this vision, will depend upon <br />maintaining a balanced budget, using our financial resources wisely, <br />and continuing to promote Pleasanton as the premier place to live and <br />work. <br /> <br />Comment: If Pleasanton leadership seeks to promote Pleasanton as a <br />"premier" place to live and work, the business model for City Service <br />delivery, especially the Park and Community Services, needs to be <br />changed to reflect a commitment to accessible PUBLIC services, not the <br />privatization of artificially constrained public facilities designed to <br />maximize the dollar value to the City. Wise use of financial resources <br />will emphasize a broad delivery of services across the age spectrum, <br />from free gymnasium hours at a family center, free and accessible use <br />of tennis courts, to expanded open recreational hours at aquatic <br />centers. <br /> <br />Summary of Version 1: Vision for Pleasanton <br /> Be specific, focus on improvements. Think about the needs of <br />individual children and the plight of parents as they struggle in vain <br />to provide for their children what they received as children <br />themselves. Everything else should flow from this perspective. Until <br />success is attained in achieving greater accessibility to facilities, <br />and until the mislabeled "Pleasanton Tax Burden", hidden from view and <br />buried in the "Activities Guide" is reduced on families, Pleasanton <br />cannot state a claim to being a "great place to live work and play." <br /> <br />Part 2. Analysis of Version 2. Vision for Pleasanton <br /> <br />"Pleasanton is a great place to live work and play. (See Summary, <br />above.) <br /> <br />· Is a well-rounded, cou~munity providing a diversity of high quality <br />housing, employment, and recreational, educational, and cultural <br />opportunities for its residents." <br /> <br />Comment: We need to distinguish between "Pleasanton" as a "place" and <br />the "City of Pleasanton" as an operational entity. Pleasanton as a <br />place IS a "well-rounded community" which has all of the qualities <br />mentioned. The City of Pleasanton, as an operating entity, needs to <br />focus its attention and energy on making daily life better for 1) <br />children who have no income, 2) parents with children, who have limited <br />cash flow, 3) single-parents with children, who are burdened for time <br />spent with the children, therefore in need of help, 4) people with <br />incomes in the ranges of $58,000 and below, 5) people with incomes <br />between $58,000 and $91,000 (the average shoppers' income at Stoneridge <br />Mall). (See previous analysis of the burden of living in Pleasanton <br />for people in this income category submitted to Vice Mayor Brozosky. <br /> <br /> ".Minimizes impacts of future growth" <br /> <br /> Comment: Minimizes impact on whom? <br /> <br /> ".Accommodates cultural, economic, and generational diversity" <br /> Comment: How? Be specific. <br /> <br /> ".Creates and sustains a safe, secure, highly livable, and <br /> resource-efficient built environment" <br /> <br /> Comment: Define safe and secure. Secure from what? From the terror <br /> of street gangs? Nuclear bombs? What does "highly livable" mean? Is <br /> 3 <br /> <br /> <br />