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<br />In response to Commissioner Hovingh's inquiry about increasing traffic due to higher <br />building occupancy, Mr. Swift advised that the traffic studies are based on average trip <br />generation rates, and buildings, per se, are not assigned specific trip-generating numbers <br />because some buildings generate more trips than other buildings. <br /> <br />Mr. Beougher advised that PacTel was part of the parent corporation; therefore, <br />Commissioner McGuirk advised that he would abstain from voting on this application. <br />During Mr. Petrini's statements, he advised that the property had been sold and the land <br />transfer was recorded on this date. Therefore, Commissioner McGuirk rejoined the <br />Commission for this application. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> <br />David J. Petrini, Vice President of Finance of First Deposit Corp., 88 Kearny, 19th Floor, <br />San Francisco. Mr. Petrini stated First Deposit Corp. has been in Pleasanton and San <br />Ramon for five years and they are seeking to consolidate their operations at the Signature <br />Center. The speaker advised they concur with the staff report and the "Conditions of <br />Approval. " <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh inquired if the applicants may wish to build a fourth building in the <br />future. Mr. Petrini believes this building will serve their needs well into the future. He also <br />noted there are employees working shifts from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. who utilize the parking <br />structure. <br /> <br />John Fullerton, DES Architects, 379 Bradford St., Redwood City, responded to Chairman <br />Wright's inquiry regarding the trash enclosure and the diesel emergency generator. Mr. <br />Fullerton advised that the generator and the trash enclosure will be all inclusive, with a roof <br />over the trash area. He also advised there will be two emergency generators for the Center. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh advised that Drawing C-2 referenced the City of Hayward. Mr. <br />Higdon advised it was an error on the part of the engineer and is referring to the City of <br />Pleasanton. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Chairman Wright noted he initially had concern that eventually a fourth building would be <br />requested to be constructed. He also noted that a percentage of their employees arrive <br />and/or leave later than the hours used for traffic studies. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift advised this company has been one of the leaders in peak hour trip reduction in <br />Pleasanton. <br /> <br />Chairman Wright noted no construction hours were referenced. Commissioner Hovingh did <br />not have a concern over this because there are no neighbors to be bothered. Mr. Swift <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />November 30, 1994 <br />