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<br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />Nicholas Dempsey, Real Estate Department of Corporate Real Estate Services, retained by <br />American Stores, represented this application. He feels this redevelopment is very attractive. <br />He addressed the increase in variety items stocked in the grocery stores today. The <br />remodeled Lucky store will have 50,000 square feet where most other new stores have <br />60,000+ square feet. Mr. Dempsey advised they are in agreement with most of the <br />"Conditions of Approval." Angled parking is one issue to be addressed. He feels there will <br />be a decrease in accessibility to the handicapped parking as well as a net loss of twelve <br />parking spaces when using angled parking across the front of the stores. Furthermore, Mr. <br />Dempsey advised the loss of twelve parking spaces would render this project in <br />noncompliance of Code. He requested they be able to have perpendicular parking in front of <br />the store which would keep this project within Code requirements. <br /> <br />Mr. Dempsey also asked that deliveries, garbage pickup, sweeping, etc, be allowed during <br />the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (prohibited by Condition 48). Because Lucky is open 24 <br />hours, these activities need to be done during all hours, the sweeping must occur when there <br />are as few cars as possible in the parking lot, and noise from the loading dock is not a <br />problem because it faces West Las Positas and is shielded from the residential areas by a <br />twelve foot soundwall and building. The applicant will agree to sweeping activities taking <br />place after 5 a.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Dempsey asked that the signage dimensions not be a part of this approval, but subject to <br />approval by the Planning Director when an application for signs is made to the City at a later <br />date. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh inquired if the smaller tenants will be given first option for available <br />space in the center. Mr. Dempsey advised that while he is not involved in that aspect of the <br />center's business, one restaurant has moved across the street, one has decided to go out of <br />business, and one has been relocated within the center. Mr. Dempsey advised that the <br />landlord is going forward with the Lucky expansion for fear that Lucky would leave the <br />center if it was not allowed to expand. The landlord is working with the tenants who have <br />leasehold control and who want to stay in the center. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk believes angled parking would impede the flow of traffic less than <br />would perpendicular parking. In response to Commissioner McGuirk, Mr. Dempsey advised <br />the angled parking would not be an issue if it did not cause them to be in non-compliance <br />with the Code. Commissioner McGuirk commented that it seems staff is requesting the <br />applicant to do something that would put them out of compliance. Mr. Swift advised that if <br />twelve spaces were actually lost due to the angled parking, the applicant could ask for a <br />variance. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />November 9, 1994 <br />