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<br />Gary Schwaegerle, 189 West Angela, spoke in support of the bed and breakfast application. <br /> <br />Ron Kaufman, 9044 Longview Drive, spoke in opposition of this application. Mr. Kaufman <br />noted his opposition due to the potential loss in his real estate value, the loss of potential <br />buyers opposed to a bed and breakfast operation as a neighbor, and the possibility of more <br />bed and breakfast uses on Longview Drive. A discussion ensued between the speaker and <br />Chairman Wright regarding the potential for property value loss. Mr. Kaufman commented <br />that the notification system to neighbors is unfair because there is not sufficient time for the <br />opposing neighbors to notify the City of their reasons for opposition to be incorporated into <br />the staff report. Commissioner Barker agreed with the speaker that the notification system is <br />not fair to those who may be in opposition to an application. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dove stated the Commissioners give more than a cursory look at the staff <br />reports, and the fact that staff is recommending a certain decision does not mean the <br />Commission's decision is a "done deal." <br /> <br />Betty Kaufman, 9044 Longview Drive, noted the two neighbors who were positive regarding <br />the bed and breakfast use are selling their homes. The speaker stated they like the seclusion <br />of the neighborhood, but are bothered by a lot of traffic and people trespassing over their <br />property. Ms. Kaufman feels the addition of the bed and breakfast use would not be <br />beneficial to the neighborhood. Chairman Wright noted there will be limitations on how <br />closely spaced bed and breakfast establishments could be. <br /> <br />Ms. Cameron spoke to the potential increase in traffic. They hope to have a 25 % - 33 % <br />occupancy rate the first year which will generate far less traffic than if their five children <br />were still living at home. Ms. Cameron also stated that she had read and concurs with the <br />staff report and the attached conditions. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CWSED <br />Commissioner Barker sought clarification of 18.32.030, where Mr. Swift advised that the <br />change was from two paying guests to two guest sleeping rooms. Furthermore, he stated <br />that anyone in the R-I zoning district would have to apply for a conditional use permit to <br />have a bed and breakfast with three to five rooms. With respect to Chairman Wright's <br />comments earlier regarding bed and breakfasts next to each other, Mr. Swift stated the use <br />would be for the Planning Department to take on a case-by-case basis. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Dove, Mr. Swift advised that the Plum Tree Inn is in multi- <br />family zoning. Commissioner Dove does not want to place limits on the number of bed and <br />breakfasts in the area of the Plum Tree Inn. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh stated he has frequented many bed and breakfast establishments, and <br />he feels the 3D-day maximum stay is too restricting. He would like to remove Section <br />18.124.270-D. He does not believe it is disruptive to a neighborhood to have bed and <br />breakfasts located close together. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />August 24, 1994 <br />