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<br />Dan Henriques, 2441 Kilkare Road, Sunol, stated that he believe the City of Pleasanton has <br />"bent over backwards" to hear from the residents of the Ridge1an s and Suno!. He sees this <br />process as an opportunity to secure open space and access to this pen space. He asked that <br />the Commission pass the word on to the Steering Committee to s pport the Agreement. <br /> <br />Marie Cronin, 8989 Dublin Canyon Road, advised that her famil has owned property in this <br />area for approximately 150 years. They currently own approxim tely 720 acres, with <br />frontage property along approximately one and one-half miles on ublin Canyon Road. She <br />noted that she was a member of the Ridgelands Committee. She xpressed concern that <br />property owners in the study area are not represented on the Stee 'ng Committee. She also <br />expressed concern regarding the devaluation of property. She sta that she believes Dublin <br />Canyon Road has potential for development. She feels that the ameda County General <br />Plan process should be completed prior to any further action and at the City of Pleasanton <br />and the City of Hayward should try joint approval of all land use within their entire cities <br />before adopting a General Plan Amendment for the Ridgelands. he stated that she would <br />prefer that her property be excluded if an agreeable plan cannot b worked out. She also <br />stated that she believes the property along the frontage road has d ve10pment revenue <br />producing potential, and, if the allowed density along the road we fair, she could see the <br />property away from the road left as permanent, privately-owned n space. <br /> <br />Mannie Joel, 5470 Foothill Road, advised that he is one-half own r of property in the study <br />area. He advised that he would like to see the area of the Ridgel ds accessible to all, that <br />he doesn't feel the Joint Powers Agreement will solve the proble s related to the Ridgelands <br />area, and that he believes it will only create a legal nightmare. specifiCally referred to <br />Design Review issues for agricultural uses. He stated that a meth to purchase land to <br />make it public land needs to be developed. As for his property, e stated there are only a <br />few developable sites on his property above the 670 foot elevatio . <br /> <br />Gary Gemmel, 7901 Dublin Canyon Road, stated that he felt it w s wrong to have no say <br />over the General Plan for his property and he opposed the concep of a Joint Powers <br />Agreement. He felt a golf course might make a good land use in e area. <br /> <br />Elaine Tolari, 9550 Santos Ranch Road, stated that there are four egallots of record in <br />Hayward on Santos Ranch Road, including two remaining permit building sites that would <br />not be stopped from building by the Joint Powers Agreement and roposed Plan. She <br />wondered, then what Pleasanton would get out of the Agreement. She advised that there is <br />nothing in the proposal which would make the land owners want t detach from Hayward, <br />and she stated she would stay in Hayward. <br /> <br />David Theobald, 9893 Dublin Canyon Road (3200 Hopyard Road , stated that his church is <br />planning to develop 11 acres of land in the area as a home for un ed mothers and a retreat <br />center. He stated that he does not wish to be a part of the Joint P wers Agreement. He <br />noted that the experience of receiving approval through the Coun process was tough <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes July 14, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br />