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<br />Mr. Metz returned to the podium. He showed the petition signed by his neighbors in support <br />of the project. He noted that a realtor, Valerie Oar, in the immedia area of the project had <br />also signed the petition in support of the application. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked Mr. Metz if he has looked at his pI s to see if the square <br />footage could be reduced to bring the house within the FAR limits. r. Metz replied that he <br />has looked at the plans, but does not see how it can be cut back wi out giving up needed <br />space and still accommodate the need for space for his five children. He supposed the <br />laundry could be left in the garage but did not favor that. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti expressed concern as to how the Commisso n would handle a <br />similar case if they approve this one. She felt if they approve this se, any number of <br />people might then apply for a variance for the increased FAR exc ing the permitted ratio. <br />She also noted that in driving through the area she had observed tha most of the homes are <br />one-story and was not sure a 3,049 square foot house would fit into he neighborhood. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift noted that the Commission has to look at setting a preced nt every time they <br />approve a variance. He further noted that if the Commission feels at 40 percent FAR is <br />too restrictive, that the Code should be amended. Otherwise they m st make the finding that <br />there is a special circumstance applicable to the property. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Michelotti's question, Mr. Swift said e plan would have to be <br />reduced by 486 square feet in order to meet the FAR requirement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti again expressed concern that the Com miss on will be setting a <br />precedent if they approve the application. However, she realized th y have approved granny <br />flats, and are trying to provide affordable housing for the City's res' ents. <br /> <br />Commissioner Finch stated that he has mixed feelings about the app . cation. He was <br />concerned about granting a variance, but not necessarily about setti a precedent. He felt a <br />strong point for approval was that the neighbors have no problem w th the house plans. He <br />also felt that with the Cabana Club across the street that a two-story house would fit in all <br />right. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright said he thought the plans were good; howeve , he felt he could not set <br />a precedent as to the FAR. He suggested that a redesign of the ho e could be done by the <br />applicant which could still give him most of the room he needs. H felt that if the study <br />could be eliminated and the stairs shifted somewhat that an effectiv plan could be had. He <br />felt the FAR could be cut back to 40 percent. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br />