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PC 01/13/1993
City of Pleasanton
PC 01/13/1993
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PC 01/13/1993
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<br />Mr. Swift presented the staff report recommending denial of Case -92-26. He called <br />attention to a letter from Mark Armstrong handed out tonight. <br /> <br />mE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> <br />Carl Metz, 1533 Harvest Road, represented the application. He sta that he has been in <br />new construction for over 10 years, and felt there might be potential roblems in having a <br />two-story house on a comer lot. Therefore, he had called the Planni g Department and the <br />first question he asked was if he could build a two-story on a comer ot. He said he was <br />told that he could do so. Then for several hours he said he discus the case with a specific <br />planner to find out the setbacks, etc. He was instructed to measure is yard, returned to the <br />planner, and then proceeded to have a set of plans drawn up. He k them to the City on <br />October 22; the first hearing was December 3. The Wednesday befi re Thanksgiving he was <br />called by the planner that he had been working with and was told t the FAR exceeded the <br />limit. At that time he had already paid for his plans and engineerin . That is why he is here <br />tonight. If he had been told what the FAR had to be or what the set acks had to be, he <br />would not be here. <br /> <br />Mr. Metz went on to say that he then had a petition signed by his i mediate neighbors <br />supporting his cause, stating that he had shown them the plans and d scussed the plans with <br />them at various times. His neighbors had no problem with the con truction, except for Ruth <br />Singleton who did not want a two-story house on a comer lot. <br /> <br />Mr. Metz expressed concern that he had been given incorrect info ation from the Planning <br />Department staff and also that the entire process was becoming mol' costly than necessary <br />for him. He also expressed concern as to what a citizen could do' this case. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk asked Mr. Metz the height of his house. r. Metz said it is <br />between 13 and 15 feet. <br /> <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright questioned Mr. Metz as to how long the City had the plans before <br />they raised the issue of the FAR limits. Mr. Metz said the Plannin Department had the <br />plans since October 22, but the FAR did not come into question un the Wednesday before <br />Thanksgiving. <br /> <br />Mark Armstrong, 1555 Harvest Road, stated that he lives next door to the applicant and is in <br />full support of the project. He said he has known Mr. Metz for n ly four years and Mr. <br />Metz and his family has been excellent neighbors. A letter in su rt of the project from <br />Mr. Armstrong was previously handed out to the Commission. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk asked Mr. Armstrong if he worked with <br />Mr. Armstrong stated that he had spoken with Mr. Metz a number <br />and how their privacy could be ensured. He said he has no proble <br /> <br /> <br />. Metz on the plans. <br />f times about the plans <br />with the plans. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />
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