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PC 07/08/1992
City of Pleasanton
PC 07/08/1992
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PC 07/08/1992
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<br /> <br />~ Rosalie Vaughn, 5700 Stoneridge Mall Road, suite 280, said she is e Property Manager for <br />that location, and was very opposed to a condition requiring a side alk installation by the <br />tenant or owner. She noted this is a multi-million dollar property p chased in Oct. 1989 <br />and said no conditions were noted at the time of purchase regardin any sidewalks. She felt <br />to impose a condition that would require the owner to dedicate land for a sidewalk at this <br />point, plus the cost of installing a sidewalk, was unfair. She furthe thought it was not good <br />planning at this point on the City's part to now expect a sidewalk be installed. She noted <br />the Western College of Travel Careers has been a tenant since 199 and the applicant has <br />stated they are opposed to having to pay for a sidewalk. <br /> <br />Lease Wong, 5700 Stoneridge Mall Road, represented the applicati n. She stated she has <br />been at this location for over two years. When applying for a licen in 1990, she said they <br />were not told that a sidewalk was part of the Conditions of Approv . She said it is upsetting <br />to be told now the permit is contingent upon the installation of a si ewalk. She noted they <br />were instructed by the City to write a letter to the owner of the pro rty and demand that a <br />sidewalk be installed. She felt that type of letter would put them i a very awkward <br />position. She further thought the sidewalk was not really necessary in that area, and the <br />majority of people in that area use their cars to go to the mall, exc t at Christmas time <br />when people park anywhere they can find a spot. She suggested w en a person first goes in <br />for a use permit that the City provide a list of things they must co ply with, not after-the- <br />fact. She stated there was quite a bit of work involved now, for he self and the property <br />owner to come up with past documents. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mahern asked Ms. Wong if they had to make any in tial improvements to the <br />site when they moved in. Ms. Wong replied there was no need for improvements at that <br />time. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mahern discussed with Mr. Swift the process that es place with the renewal <br />of a business license. He noted that there are cases where a simple zoning certificate versus <br />a conditional use permit is required. In this particular case, he sai he could not say how <br />this was issued three years ago. However, at the present time ther is a person in the <br />business license department who works closely with the planning d artment, and at the time <br />of renewal they try to catch things that might have been missed in e past. <br /> <br />Ms. Wong reiterated she felt there may have been some miscommu ication in the past. <br /> <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk asked Mr. Swift what the City would do i the conditions cannot be <br />met in regard to a sidewalk. Mr. Swift indicated in cases where c pliance would create a <br />great hardship on the applicant, the City might try to install the sid walk. At the present <br />time the City is trying to get all the property owners in the mall ar to install sidewalks. <br />He noted several owners in the area have agreed to install sidewal for the safety of <br />pedestrians, citing Kaiser and another owner located on Deodar W <br /> <br />,-. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />July 8, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br />
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