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PC 02/20/1992
City of Pleasanton
PC 02/20/1992
Entry Properties
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PC 02/20/1992
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<br />In response to Commissioner Horan's question, Mr. Swift said that e second access to the <br />site could be an emergency access or temporary road. He added th t staff just feels that the <br />simplest method would be to have a stub street. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk asked for clarification regarding Condition 19 in reference to the <br />water offset program. Mr. Swift replied that the City does not hav a water offset program <br />yet. However, as an example, should this type of program be in ee, it is basically that a <br />developer could opt to install a eertain number of water saving toil s in houses not in his <br />own project, and in effect, save enough water to "pay" for his own development. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING W AS OPENED. <br /> <br />Louis Baldacci, West View Properties, represented the application. He felt the project <br />speaks for itself and really had nothing to add. He noted that this roject is basically an <br />extension of the Stoneridge Orchards project next to it. He noted t they have sold 70 of <br />the Stoneridge Orchards homes already with over one-half of those oing to Pleasanton <br />residents. One-third of those work in Pleasanton. He felt that eve thought there is a so- <br />called recession going on, that they have had a reasonable amount f success so far and are <br />getting good feedback. He is anticipating that the proposed project will be equally <br />successful. <br /> <br />Mr. Baldacci addressed a number of the conditions: Condition 4 - He noted that the staff <br />report says Exhibit" A" 1991; this should be 1992. Condition 6.a. - The words "and stucco" <br />should be added after "horizontal wood siding." Condition 12.b. - e would like to delete <br />it; he would like for the maintenance to be handled by the City as ey do in the Orchards <br />project. He would like for it to be consistent with that project. C ndition 14 - He had no <br />problem with staffs recommendation. He favored the cul-de-sac d sign but is willing to <br />work with staff on this. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued in regard to the future alignment of the Chu and Hirst properties. <br /> <br />Mr. Baldacci reviewed the design of the project. He noted that De ign Review had discussed <br />the matter of side entry garages and single-story homes. He said at he is willing to add <br />more side entry garages if that is conditioned; however, market res nse appears to have a <br />preference for a non-side entry garage. With side entry garages, ey have to have shorter <br />street space with more curves. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked the price range of the proposed un's. Mr. Baldacci said <br />they would be in the $210,000/$250,000 range. Commissioner Mi he10tti commended the <br />applicant on the proposed project and also on the Orchard project. She felt the one-story <br />homes with the side-by-side garages were particularly appealing. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Chairman Mahern questioned Mr. Baldacci as to which units were ingle story. The <br />applicant replied that J-K, E-F, and I models are single story. Ch' Mahern asked Mr. <br />Swift the reason for changing Lots 6 and 7 to one-story. Mr. Swi replied that these two <br />are somewhat wider units and would fit better on a cul-de-sac than a two-story unit. He was <br /> <br />Minutes Plannilll Commi.lion <br />Special Meeting of February 20, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br />
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