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<br />Resolution No. PC-94-04 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />22. All tenant parking areas shall be paved with asphalt or other <br />material deemed acceptable to the City Engineer. Oil/water <br />separators shall be installed as required by the city <br />Engineer. The applicant shall submit a final grading, paving, <br />and drainage plan to the Planning Director, city Engineer, and <br />the Director of Building Inspection for review and approval. <br />The site shall be paved and drainage systems installed within <br />60 days of use permit approval. <br /> <br />23. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the water <br />system serving the site, as required by the City Engineer, <br />within 60 days of use permit approval. All backf10w <br />prevention devices installed with the property shall be <br />painted forest green (pantone Color System Number 357 or <br />equivalent) and shall be screened with shrubbery if visible <br />from a public roadway. <br /> <br />24. The property owner shall enter into a deferred street <br />improvement agreement with the City agreeing to construct or <br />finance the construction of street improvements on Boulder <br />Street adjacent to the project site at such time in the future <br />as it is deemed necessary by the city Engineer. This <br />agreement shall be recorded with the County Recorder's Office. <br />Said public improvements may include, but are not necessarily <br />limited to grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, street <br />lighting, fire hydrants, street monuments, underground <br />utilities, storm drain facilities, traffic control devices, <br />landscaping and automatic irrigation systems. The landscape <br />and irrigation plan shall be subject to review and approval by <br />the Planning Director. Said plan shall be designed to screen <br />the site from Boulder Street. <br /> <br />25. As required by the City Building Official, handicap access <br />shall be provided for office trailers and buildings. <br /> <br />26. All applicable building permits shall be obtained by utility <br />Vault Co. and all individual tenants. <br /> <br />27. Security lighting shall be provided on site to provide <br />illumination from dusk until dawn. The applicants shall <br />submit a security lighting plan to the Planning Director for <br />final approval. Said plan shall include lighting on high <br />standards or other methods as required by the Planning and <br />Police Departments to sufficiently illuminate the entire site <br />in a manner suitable for night-time surveillance. Security <br />lighting shall be installed within 60 days of use permit <br />approval. <br /> <br />28. All project lighting shall be installed in such a manner that <br />glare is directed away from surrounding properties and right- <br />of-ways. <br />