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<br />35. Prior to approval of the minor subdivision, the applicants shall create a joint maintenance <br />agreement for the proposed driveway. The agreement shall be subject to review and <br />approval by the City Attorney prior to recordation of the final parcel map. The driveway <br />shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br /> <br />36. Prior to approval of the minor subdivision, the applicants shall create a reciprocal access <br />easement for the proposed driveway. The easement shall be subject to review and <br />approval by the City Attorney prior to recordation of the final parcel map. <br /> <br />37. Prior to approval of the minor subdivision, the applicants shall create drainage easements <br />and a joint maintenance agreement to ensure satisfactory operation/maintenance/repair of <br />the private storm drain lines by all users. The easement/agreement shall be subject to <br />review and approval by the City Attorney prior to recordation of the final parcel map. <br /> <br />Existing Trees: <br /> <br />38. The project developer shall comply with the recommendations of the tree report prepared <br />by Traverso Tree Service dated January 26, and March 24,2004. No tree trimming or <br />pruning other than that specified in the tree report shall occur. The project developer <br />shall arrange for the arborist to conduct a field inspection prior to issuance of grading <br />permits to ensure that all recommendations have been properly implemented. The <br />arborist shall certify in writing to the City that such recommendations have been <br />followed. <br /> <br />39. The applicants may remove the two English walnut trees (Nos. 32 and 33) specified in <br />the tree report prepared by Traverso Tree Service dated January 26, and March 24, 2004. <br />The California black walnut tree (No. 31) specified in the tree report prepared by <br />Traverso Tree Service dated January 26, and March 24, 2004, shall not be removed. The <br />project developer shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security satisfactory to the <br />Planning Director in the amount of $6,300 for California black walnut tree that is <br />required to be preserved. This cash bond or security shall be retained for one year <br />following completion of construction and shall be forfeited if the tree is removed, <br />destroyed, or disfigured. <br /> <br />40. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, a temporary six-foot tall chain link <br />fence shall be installed around the California black walnut tree as specified in the tree <br />report prepared by Traverso Tree Service dated January 26, and March 24, 2004. <br />Fencing shall remain in place until final occupancy is granted for the dwellings; removal <br />of such fencing prior to that time may result in a "stop work" order. <br /> <br />41. In addition to the tree preservation measures outlined in the tree report prepared by <br />Traverso Tree Service dated January 26, and March 24, 2004, the following tree <br />preservation methods shall be followed during construction of the site. These methods <br />shall be listed on the building permit plans and shall include, but not be limited to, the <br />following: <br />