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In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Mr. Iserson confirmed that if a PUD <br />modification were approved, any business or project which used this approach for traffic <br />reduction would automatically become a conditional use. The use may return to the <br />Commission for subsequent review and any modifications necessary to reduce traffic. <br />In response to another inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Mr. Iserson noted that some <br />degree of regularity in scheduling the audits would be beneficial so performance of the <br />audit did not slip through the cracks. He noted that regazdless of whether the audits were <br />random or scheduled, it would be incumbent upon the applicants to show the results of <br />their traffic patterns. <br />Commissioner Sullivan noted that it was his experience that a random audit may reflect <br />the true traffic situation. <br />In response to a further inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Mr. Iserson replied that <br />although this project did not meet the standards of the Green Building Ordinance, staff <br />always encouraged green building in this project. <br />Commissioner Sullivan noted that he did not see any language in the conditions reflecting <br />encouragement of the application of green building standazds. <br />_ Mr. Iserson noted that staff was precluded from including such language in these <br />applications because of the ordinance. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Douglas Dahlin, applicant, 5865 Owens Drive, discussed traffic and transportation and <br />noted that this building was their only choice for a Pleasanton presence because of its <br />proximity to mass transit. He displayed the site plan for the building on the overhead <br />screen and described its layout and features, including over 140 parking spaces. He <br />believed that the design would create a more street-friendly building. He noted that the <br />landscape plan was not complete but suggested that a water feature might be included for <br />both cooling and sound-masking. He noted that they were committed to taking advantage <br />of the bus and BART routes and to reducing dependence on the automobile. <br />Commissioner Arkin complimented Mr. Dahlin on the quality of the building design. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan regarding the green building <br />elements, Mr. Dahlin replied that the green building standazds did not include <br />reconstruction and remodeling. He noted that the LEED system included points for site <br />elements, use of recycled materials, use of best practices forestry materials as well as <br />landscaping elements, and being located next to public transportation. He noted that the <br />natural ventilation flow would be green building-friendly as well. He noted that the goal <br />was to become green building certified. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 12, 2004 Page 4 of 14 <br />