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PC 051204
City of Pleasanton
PC 051204
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PC 051204
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- Mr. Iserson summarized the staff report and described the history and scope of the <br />project. He noted that the building would be transformed from the 1980s appeazance into <br />a more layered, glass-enclosed design. He presented a materials board to the <br />Commission and noted that the color scheme would be changed from the existing earth <br />tone colors to a grayish-green and blue scheme. He noted that it would include unique <br />architectural features such as two 18-foot high landscaped hedge portals in the parking lot <br />and two freestanding 16-foot high aluminum sunscreens. The applicant would demolish <br />the existing bus shelter and rebuild it, including a new canopy to protect pedestrians from <br />inclement weather. Staff believed the design was attractive and unique and that it would <br />update the appearance of the building to blend into the rest of the site. Staff suggested <br />that the yellow elements be muted slightly. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that new trees would be added to the site and that staff planned to work <br />with the applicant during the landscaping design phase. Staff intended to ensure that the <br />existing trees on the site would be protected during construction. The building in general <br />would meet the site development standards of the Hacienda Design Guidelines. The <br />Hacienda Owners Association recommended approval of this design. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that with the addition of square footage to the building, a traffic <br />mitigation report would normally be required. Staff suggested that the applicant take a <br />similaz approach as that of the Carden West School application to allow for expansion of <br />the building but to ensure that the traffic be made trip-neutral. Staff requested that the <br />applicant provide a schedule of employee commuting and agree that there would be no <br />more than 25 peak-hour trips in the morning and afternoon with no net increase in <br />existing traffic. Staff strongly encouraged the applicant to set a goal of reducing the <br />amount of trips below atrip-neutral baseline in the future by up to 50 percent. He noted <br />that it was not identified as a requirement but was a goal to be encouraged. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that a memo from staff was distributed to address a deficiency in the <br />conditions in terms of enforcing the traffic mitigations into the future and how to achieve <br />compliance. He noted that Carden West, unlike this application, was a conditional use. <br />Staff's suggestions for future compliance would be based on Code enforcement if an <br />audit did not demonstrate sufficient trip reduction. In addition, a condition of approval <br />could be added that if the audits did not reveal sufficient trip reduction, a traffic report, <br />traffic mitigations, and further TSM mitigations to achieve that reduction would be <br />required. Finally, it might be appropriate to consider a PUD modification for Hacienda to <br />require a conditional use permit for businesses which propose to use the "trip-neutral" <br />approach to building expansions. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that the applicant was willing to accept these conditions of approval. <br />Staff believed the traffic situation had been addressed satisfactorily to be trip-neutral. In <br />addition, staff believed the building was attractively designed, would be a positive <br />addition to the business pazk, and would allow the Dahlin Group to have a local presence <br />near the BART station and bus stop. Staff recommended approval of this design review <br />subject to the conditions in the staff report and the two additional conditions in the staff <br />memorandum. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 12, 2004 Page 3 of 14 <br />
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