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McDonald's Restaurant. She believed that the plaza on the front of the building should <br />extend farther. <br />Jeff Halbert, representing the applicant, 120 Howard Street #450, San Francisco, thanked <br />Mr. Cannon for his input on the design and noted that they would be happy to work with <br />him to reflect the Commission's concerns about the roofline. He suggested that he return <br />with several concepts and ideas on the roof. The Commission agreed that would be a <br />good idea. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Fox requested that each design show all perspectives of each roof <br />permutation. She noted that she did not like curved roofs. <br />Commissioner Arkin advised that he did not want to see barrel vaults included in the <br />design. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that she would not favor any metal roofs. <br />The Commissioner reached consensus on the following: <br />• Provide a roof. <br />• The colors are fine. <br />• The amount of articulation on the building is acceptable. <br />• The palm tree is okay. <br />• Add landscaping and trellises along the front elevation facing McDonald's <br />Restaurant. <br />• Bring back revised design for another work session. This may include options of <br />the roof design. <br /> <br />d. Review of the Pleasanton Eneray Committee's Brainstormin¢ List of <br />Ener¢y-Related Issues to Be Addressed in the General Plan Undate. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that as part of the comprehensive General Plan Amendment process, <br />City Council asked the Pleasanton Energy Committee to help staff develop a draft Energy <br />Element to the General Plan. He noted that was an optional element pursuant to State <br />law and that there were no specific requirements according to State law that the Element <br />must fulfill He advised that the Commission was asked to review the list and make <br />recommendations which would be forwazded to City Council for final review and <br />comment. He noted that the Energy Committee would work on possible resolutions to <br />the issues on the list and would return to the Planning Commission and the City Council. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that the list was attached to the staff report and contained <br />approximately 95 issues. He noted that the Commission may wish to pare the list down <br />to make it more manageable. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Apri128, 2004 <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />