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Commissioner Fox would like the minutes to reflect that there was an American Planning <br />Association speech detailing a study on this subject, which indicated that both smaller <br />and chain grocery stores were abandoning their stores. She noted that contributed to <br />neighborhood blight when those storefronts could not be rented to others when the stores <br />were abandoned. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that Commissioner Fox's comments regarding Kohl's were not part <br />of the Februazy 11, 2004 minutes, but could be included under Matters Initiated. <br />Commissioner Arkin advised that paragraph 5 on page 14 should be changed to read as <br />follows: "Commissioner Arkin noted that his family he generally shopped at WalMart <br />three times a week. He appreciated their late hours if he needed to buy household <br />supplies at that time...." <br />Commissioner Arkin referred to the 4`h full paragraph on page 17, which reads, <br />"Commissioner Arkin would like to agendize an item that would require the signage to <br />return to the Commission when there is a new tenant on the site." He requested <br />confirmation that there was consensus among the Commissioners that the Commission <br />would do that. <br />The Commissioners agreed with Commissioner Arkin's recollection. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that the item was tentatively scheduled for the next agenda and that <br />staff anticipated that it would be a Minor PUD Modification. Staff would present <br />suggested wording for the Commission's review before the rest of the process continues. <br />Commissioner Maas advised that the last paragraph on page 14 should be changed to read <br />as follows: Chairperson Roberts noted that closure was part of the <br />ongoing FAO Schwartz bankruptcy proceeding." <br />Commissioner Maas advised that paragraph 12 on page 16 should be changed to read as <br />follows: "Commissioner Maas believed the sign was not the same as depicted in the <br />presented visuals had-getten-verse. <br />Chairperson Roberts advised that paragraph 3 on page 11 should be modified to read as <br />follows: "Chairperson Roberts advised that this issue had not been included on the next <br />Planning Commission General Plan Update." <br />The minutes were approved as corrected. <br />3. MEETING OPEN FOR ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE TO <br />ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM WHICH IS <br />NOT ALREADY ON THE AGENDA. <br />There were none. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 2 of 19 <br />