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- included in the packet that went to Council. She noted that the Commissioners had <br />discussed the picture of the lot, which had been removed in the Council packet. She <br />added that the neighborhood drawings that the Commission specifically requested to be <br />included were not part of that packet. She expressed disappointment that the second set <br />of minutes were not included and that the picture being discussed had been deleted. She <br />believed that the Council had no reference point to understand the Commission's <br />discussion. She requested that in the future, the City Council would receive subsequent <br />amendments to the minutes regarding a project. She requested that the Council have the <br />plans available for examination without any deletions and that specific drawings be <br />available upon Commission request. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that she watched that Council meeting on television and had <br />considered giving her own interpretation of the issues. She expressed discomfort that <br />Commissioners Fox and Sullivan had given their own interpretations during the Council <br />meeting; she realized that as Commissioners, they had that right, but that it left her with a <br />sense of unease. <br />Chairperson Roberts noted that in the past, Planning Commissioners generally agreed on <br />what would be stated regarding Commission matters before the Council. She noted that <br />if every Commissioner presented his/her viewpoint before the Council, whether it was in <br />agreement or disagreement, that placed the Commissioners as a group in an <br />uncomfortable position. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that she would not have gone to the City Council if she had <br />seen items specifically requested by the Commission included in the Council packet. She <br />noted that the project planner was not available to add the missing materials and that she <br />did not get the packet until 5:00 p.m. that evening. She emphasized that she did not <br />represent herself as speaking for the Commission and added that her right of free speech <br />must be considered as a private citizen. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Commissioner Fox replied that she <br />downloaded the part of the staff report that was available on the website, but that all the <br />drawings comprising Exhibit A were not available in the City Clerk's office to pick up. <br />Chairperson Roberts advised that the documentation available to the Councilmembers <br />were not always available at the City Clerk's office. <br />Commissioner Sullivan believed that a Planning Commissioner should be able to obtain <br />the Council packet upon request. He did not recall any agreement on the issue of <br />Commissioners coming before the Council and would not have agreed to it. He <br />emphasized that he was a strong believer in the ability to speak whenever he wished on <br />any subject, provided he represented himself as a private citizen or as an individual <br />Planning Commissioner. He believed that was the first time he had spoken before the <br />City Council on a project that he voted against. He became concerned over the process <br />when Commissioner Fox showed the packet to him. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 15 of 19 <br />