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Commissioner Maas emphasized that no one was being asked not to speak, but noted that <br />she had felt compelled to speak when her comments were referenced during the Council <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that the second set of Commission minutes included three <br />comments that were not in the Council packet: Commissioner Sullivan's comments <br />about the issue of what the developer represented regarding what the neighbors saw and <br />when; Chairperson Roberts' discussion about the audio problems in Council Chambers <br />and the resultant missing comments; and her own comment about what the neighbors saw <br />and when, and that they should be provided copies of diagrams and pictures that the <br />neighbors saw during the September 11 meeting. She recalled a comment by <br />Commissioner Maas that she was unsure whether the second story was a positive <br />addition; therefore it was very important to attend to the roofline and the stark wall. <br />Commissioner Maas inquired whether Council had received amendments to the <br />Commission minutes. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that the second set of minutes which filled in the missing <br />comments were not included in the Council packet. She strongly believed that they <br />should receive complete meeting minutes as well as any subsequent amendments. She <br />noted that she was outraged that items had been deleted from the Council packet, <br />particularly the picture that had been the subject of extensive discussion. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that he could not answer all of Commissioner Fox's concerns in detail <br />because he was not involved personally in the preparation of the Council reports or <br />packets. He stated that the normal procedure was to include the Commission's changes <br />to the minutes that go to the City Council; the Council received the final, approved <br />minutes whenever possible. He was quite certain that this was the case with this project. <br />He noted that staff handled the situation as well as possible and that he meticulously <br />reviewed the draft minutes against his notes and added considerable material to the draft <br />minutes due to the fact that there was an equipment failure. He noted that was one of the <br />few times that such a technically difficulty had occurred. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Commissioner Fox replied that the <br />amended minutes were not in the Council packet. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that Ms. Hoey routinely included the final Commission comments <br />into the draft minutes and included the adopted minutes in the Council package. <br />Commissioner Fox advised that a comment was included in the Planning Commission <br />packet which stated, "Harold Zosel, 4129 Walnut Drive, owns a house adjacent to the <br />subject site. He did not return staff's calls." She noted that that comment was not in the <br />City Council's packet and believed that if a neighbor adjacent to a development has not <br />been contacted and that information was given to the Planning Commission but the <br />_ Council was not privy to the same comment, there was an issue. She strongly believed <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 16 of 19 <br />