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- Mr. Bocian advised that the brown color on the back of the sign, as shown on the exhibit, <br />was actually black. He noted that the Pleasanton letters were raised. He noted that he <br />had met with the service clubs with the goal of arriving at a mutual use. Staff determined <br />that this would not be possible in this case due to the clubs' specifications with respect to <br />their logos. He noted that their logos would not be placed on these signs. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Roberts, Mr. Bocian confirmed that the <br />Commission could include a condition disallowing service club logos. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox, Mr. Bocian confirmed that the cost of <br />each sign would be between $10,000 and $15,000 per sign, including the installation. He <br />added that the budget for the entire project was approximately $100,000 and that bids for <br />the project had not yet been requested. He noted that the signs may be phased in. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox, Mr. Bocian confirmed that the signs <br />would return to the Planning Commission if there were any design changes, although he <br />did not anticipate any changes. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />There were no speakers. <br />_ THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Maas moved to approve PSDR-178, subject to the conditions listed in <br />Exhibit B, with the following modifications: <br />1. No service club logos shall be included on the signs. <br />2. The signs shall be lighted through solar cells, perhaps from the <br />ground up. <br />3. Consider text on the sign similar to that used by the City of Simi <br />Valley ("Relax and Slow Down"). <br />5. Any substantial change in text or design on the signs shall be brought <br />back to the Commission. <br />Commissioner Arkin seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Sullivan clarified that he would support lighted signs as conditioned. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Arkin, Fox, Maas, Roberts, and Sullivan <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Kameny. <br />Resolution No. PC-2004-17 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 10 of 19 <br />