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There are a number of potential claims anticipated by staff that are debatable as to validity or <br />value. In this category, Ferma has submitted, or the City's Construction Manager has estimated, <br />a total of $780,000 in potential claims. This set of claims will most likely be negotiated at the <br />end of the project. For budgeting purposes, it has been assumed that 50% of these claims <br />($390,000) will be paid. <br /> <br />Finally, there are a number of potential claims currently pursued by Ferma that staff believes are <br />unfounded. This category of claims is estimated at $590,000 and will also be negotiated at the <br />end of the project. In the event that the contractor prevails on a portion of these claims, it is <br />prudent to assume for budgeting purposes that 10% ($59,000) will need to be paid. <br /> <br />valid $125,000 x 100% = $125,000 <br />negotiable $780,000 x 50% = $390,000 <br />unfounded $590,000 x 10% = $ 59,000 <br /> Total $574,000 <br /> <br />Additional Consultant Support <br /> <br />Due to the extended construction schedule, as well as design modifications and City initiated <br />additional work, some of the consultant services contracts must be further amended to provide <br />the required construction support. The total anticipated additional consultant cost is $770,000. <br />Attachment A identifies the consultant contracts to be amended to provide the support necessary <br />to complete the project. <br /> <br />Additional Work <br /> <br />There are a number of items of additional work identified by City staff that must be completed <br />as part of the golf course construction. It is anticipated that this work will be added to one of the <br />existing contracts (Ferma, Lindquist, or Ransome). The total cost of this additional work is <br />$1,190,500 (see Attachment B). In addition, if the driving range is reoriented (see discussion <br />below) there will be an additional cost of approximately $500,000. <br /> <br />Contract Amendment for M.A. Lindquist <br /> <br />On October 21, 2003, the City awarded a contract in the amount of $2,725,163 to M.A. <br />Lindquist Company for the construction of the golf course clubhouse and cart barn. <br /> <br />In addition to the clubhouse and cart barn construction, staff has asked M.A. Lindquist to <br />provide a proposal to construct a canopy structure over the fueling/equipment-wash station in <br />the maintenance yard area. The cost of the canopy structure and related fire suppression system <br />is approximately $380,000. Staff requests authorization to execute a contract amendment with <br />M.A. Lindquist for an amount not to exceed $380,000. <br /> <br />SR:05:068 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br /> <br />