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Contract Amendment for Ransome Company <br /> <br />On March 16, 2004, the City awarded a contract in the amount of $512,196 to the Ransome <br />Company for construction of joint trench utilities (electrical, telephone, gas and cable) to serve <br />the golf course. This also included joint trench utilities for the residential lots adjacent to the <br />golf course property. <br /> <br />After further discussion with the core residential lot owners, it was determined that additional <br />secondary utility services (electric, telephone, cable and gas services from the mainline service <br />to each individual lot) must also be constructed to serve the residential home sites. A proposal <br />has been received from Ransome Company to complete the work for $118,000. Most of that <br />cost will be included in the reimbursements by the developers of the golf course residential lots. <br /> <br />In addition to the joint trench work, staff has requested a proposal from Ransome Company to <br />construct concrete headwalls and slope protection for three storm drain culverts crossing <br />Clubhouse Drive. That work is estimated to cost approximately $250,000. <br /> <br />Staff requests authorization to execute a contract amendment with Ransome Company for an <br />amount not to exceed $368,000. <br /> <br />Reorientation of the Driving Range <br /> <br />The golf course was designed with a driving range. It is located near the clubhouse parking lot. <br />As designed, persons using the driving range will hit golf balls in a generally southerly <br />direction. Because of the need to protect people and property in the parking lot, as well as to <br />protect the private property (owned by the General Electric Company and used for grazing) to <br />the east, from errant drives, the driving range was designed to have netting, supported by poles, <br />on its eastern and western sides. In addition, in order to protect persons walking along the trail <br />at the southern end of the range, the range also was designed to have poles and netting there as <br />well. <br /> <br />When the poles were delivered to the site and set in the ground in October 2004, Council <br />became concerned that the views from the Happy Valley area would be negatively impacted by <br />reason of the poles and netting. Accordingly, Council directed staffto investigate the feasibility <br />of removing the poles and netting from the southern end of the range and to investigate the <br />feasibility of rotating the driving range such that persons using the driving range would hit golf <br />balls in an easterly direction, toward the GE property. By reorienting the driving range in that <br />way, the poles and netting could be removed. <br /> <br />The poles and netting have been removed from the southern end of the range. In their place will <br />be a six foot chain link fence that will stop most balls from reaching the trail. To the extent balls <br />clear the fence, the golf course operator will pick up those balls by hand. <br /> <br />SR:05:068 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br /> <br />