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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Wright, Mr. Anderson advised that their staff has been discussing how <br /> <br />to implement after-hours access for the campers, realizing that many people will want to take <br />advantage of the services, restaurants, and entertainment in the Pleasanton area. Further, Mr. <br />Anderson advised the campground host will occupy one of the 25 RV spots or the Park District will <br />have to hire a caretaker to remain on site. In resllonse to Commi.ssi.oner Cooper, Mr. Anderson <br />advised there is a 10 pm quiet time rule. The campground host would have to enforce this rule. <br /> <br />Chair Barker inquired about the reservation system. Mr. Anderson said the other two parks get a <br />lot of use by foreign visitors and are always full. Availability is first -come first served or by <br />reservations made through the central reservation system. <br /> <br />In response to Chair Barker, Mr. Anderson stated the caretaker person will be trained by the Park <br />District police. Whether the Park District will go so far as to provide CPR training has not been <br />determined at this time. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner McGuirk, Mr. Anderson stated the campers must stay within the RV <br />camping area after the park closes, and the campground host will oversee this. If someone is not <br />complying with these regulations, the campground host will then have to call the Park District police. <br /> <br />Don Pickett, 2823 El Capitan Drive, is the president of the Shadow Cliff Homeowners Association <br />and stated the Association is opposed to this application. The homeowners are opposing this <br />application for many reasons, not the least of which was the very short notice to review the plans. <br /> <br />Chair Barker inquired if he was part of the citizens task force. He stated he was not and he did not <br />know anyone on the citizens committee. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper inquired if Mr. Pickett's opposition is to the overnight RV camping. <br />Specifically, Mr. Pickett is opposed to the overnight camping, the maximum number of 250 persons <br />on site (25 sites, 10 persons maximum). He is not comfortable with the campground hosts being <br />persons who go from campground to campground being hosts. This is not considered adequate <br />experience by Mr. Pickett. Mr. Pickett advised they are having trouble with juveniles coming into <br />their neighborhood through the arroyo, and they oppose the low-water arroyo bridge. He is opposed <br />to any additional traffic generated by the RV camping. He would like to talk to the "committee" <br />who supported the RV camping. He does not feel a 15 day length of stay is appropriate near a <br />residential neighborhood. <br /> <br />Paula Lapham, 2811 El Capitan Drive, stated her backyard is partially adjacent to the regional park <br />area. She has several concerns, mainly the time frame of this application. She stated she was not <br />informed of the bridge being put in, and subsequently received notification from the City about a <br />meeting concerning campsites which had not been in the land use plan. She did not know there was <br />a committee to analyze the need for RV camping at Shadow Cliffs. This is a residential area, and <br />she is uncomfortable having campers that close to her backyard. She feels the restroom facilities, <br /> <br />fIre hazards, lack of protection for the neighbors have not been thoroughly addressed. <br /> <br />She is concerned about the potential for crime in the area by people utilizing the bridge over the <br />arroyo, using the wooded arroyo for hiding, etc. She feels the residents were not given their due <br /> <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />September 25, 1996 <br />