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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />along Little Valley Rd. and the houses along Highway 84 across from the GE plant. The three <br />arroyos within the City are included in the Overlay. <br /> <br />Urban limit line is another concept of the General Plan. The Steering Committee felt it should be <br />included in the General Plan, but didn't specify where it should go. Staff took that task on. The <br />urban limit line runs along the freeway to the north, western side along elevation 670 of the <br />foothills (where Measure F boundary runs), southern edge includes Happy Valley, North <br />Sycamore Specific Plan, the MDR portion of the Spotorno property, residential part of Kottinger <br />Hills, all of Ruby Hills, Vineyard Avenue, Shadow Cliffs Park, and quarry lands area. This is <br />intended to be a permanent line, and the General Plan discourages changes. <br /> <br />Mr. Rasmussen described the South Pleasanton, Vineyard Avenue, Busch Road, and Foothill <br />Road study areas. The Steering Committee has also recommended to complete the specific plan <br />for downtown residential areas. Another study area was the land around the BART station. <br />There is a program to conduct a study for some type of town square. <br /> <br />Transportation studies found that a level of service D can be maintained in all intersections except <br />for two in the downtown. Additional study is recommended for the West Las Positas <br />interchange. Major street improvements proposed are the extension of El Charro Road to Stanley <br />Blvd., the extension of Rose to V alley Avenue, and the coordination of traffic from Del Valle <br />Parkway onto Stanley Blvd. <br /> <br />Seven sites in city were considered for multi-family residential development. Medium Density <br />Residential (MDR) density ranges were lowered from 2-8 units to 2-5 units. The High Density <br />Residential (HDR) ranges were lowered from 8-plus to 5-plus units. The General Plan Update <br />recommendations also include a program for inclusion of affordable housing. Any accelerated <br />growth rate or buildout beyond 27,000 (plus San Francisco property) would have to be approved <br />by 4/5's vote of the City Council. <br /> <br />The major change to public facilities is for more attention to be given to senior projects, <br />activities, and programs. <br /> <br />Four major community parks are proposed: one on the San Francisco property, Vineyard landfill <br />site, Kaiser property, and at 1-580 and El Charro. <br /> <br />The environmental review process added programs to deal with the treatment of water that gets <br />into the arroyos. <br /> <br />Another program is to develop a ridgeline and hillside preservation ordinance to deal specifically <br />with the location of potential future development on ridgelines. Development of an historic <br />preservation ordinance which would designate specific landmarks throughout the City is another <br />proposed program. <br /> <br />Planning Commissioo Minutes <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />February 14, 1996 <br />