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<br /> <br />Narrowing the columns and facia was suggested by the consultant architect. Staff has added <br />. a condition of approval addressing these size reductions. <br /> <br />A main area of disagreement revolves around the use of their corporate colors (black, white, <br />teal). Mr. Iserson described in detail what staff recommends regarding the applicant's use of <br />black and teal bands on the building. The applicant has not agreed to this change in design. <br /> <br />Staff has requested the signage be black lettering against a beige background, which when <br />illuminated at night appears white. Also, staff would like the western elevation building- <br />mounted signage on the tower to be moved over the entrance. Staff would like to slightly <br />move the monument sign in order to save an existing tree. Staff proposes that the monument <br />sign have a beige background, keep the proposed teal band and use black lettering. <br />Regarding the freeway pylon sign, the applicant proposed to cover the exiting panels and <br />reveals between with black material and putting a white lettered sign over it. Staff would <br />prefer to leave the sign the existing color and using the black letters on the beige <br />background, keeping the existing reveals on the sign. <br /> <br />Staff determined there is more than enough parking for this site. An additional issue <br />addressed was the possibility the owner would want to subdivide, and staff recommended <br />there be reciprocal parking between Chevy's and S&G Discount Carpets. <br /> <br />As conditioned, staff feels the application would be a good addition to the site. Therefore, <br />staff recommends approval subject to the conditions of approval. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh commented the proposed store is 700 sq. ft. larger than allowed by <br />the PUD. He inquired of the ramifications if the use changed to a more intensively used <br />store. Staff advised that if a more intensive use comes in, they would require more traffic <br />studies, etc. The Commission could also consider adding a condition restricting future <br />restaurant and retail use. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dove inquired if the City had any complaints regarding the entrance/exit of <br />traffic. There had been none. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />Lane Borges, 3017 Douglas Blvd., Suite 240, Roseville, is the project architect representing <br />S&G Discount Carpet. He clarified that the building included a 900 sq. ft mezzanine, <br />therefore, the actual ground area is slightly less than what was previously approved. <br /> <br />Mr. Borges stated the areas of discussion deal with the building color and signage. The <br />owners have developed a corporate identity and would like to continue their identity at all <br />stores. The applicants feel a precedence has been set with white lettering on dark <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />January 24, 1996 <br />