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<br />In response to Commissioner Dove, Mr. Morgan stated that in his case, they could not give Mr. <br />Wagner an out-of-state check, it was late at night, so they paid in cash and did not receive a receipt. <br />Unknown to Mr. Wagner, Ms. Morgan had videotaped the cash transaction. <br /> <br />Ms. Talbert also stated that she has had problems with Mr. Wagner alleging she had not paid her <br />rent. Ms. Talbert stated she paid her rent with a Cashier's Check, and Mr. Wagner alleged she had <br />not. She was forced to double pay one month's rent and has not yet been able to get reimbursed. <br />To mitigate future problems, she now uses Federal Express to mail her rent to Mr. Wagner. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper advised that he had spoken with Mr. Wagner on the phone. <br /> <br />b. PUD-97-02. Stevhen Chamberlin Associates/Federal EXDress <br />Application for Planned Unit Development development plan approval to construct a one-story, <br />approximately 89,656 square foot warehouse/office building and an approximately 3,827 square <br />foot vehicle maintenance building to be utilized for Federal Express' mail sorting and <br />distribution operations. The project site is an approximately 5.58 acre parcel generally located <br />at the northeast corner of 1-680 and Stoneridge Drive. Zoning for the property is PUD <br />(Planned Unit Development) - G&L/I (General and Light Industrial) District. The Planning <br />Commission will also consider the Negative Declaration prepared for the project. <br /> <br />Continued to April 23, 1997. <br /> <br />c. Tract 6911. Standard Pacific of Northern California <br />Application for tentative map approval to subdivide approximately 13.8 acres located southeast <br />of the intersection of Stoneridge Drive and Guzman Parkway into 147 single-family residential <br />lots. Zoning for the property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) - LDR/MDR (Low <br />Density/Medium Density Residential) District. <br /> <br />Mr. Iserson presented the staff report on the request for a tentative map approval to subdivide an <br />approximately 13.8 acre site into 147 single-family residential lots and 37 common area parcels for <br />private streets and motorcourts, recreation areas, and common landscape areas. The area is located <br />on the south side of Stoneridge Drive between Guzman Parkway and Garden Parkway. The area is <br />within the Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan and is zoned Medium Density Residential (2-8 du/ac). <br /> <br />In January the Planning Commission approved the PUD, and it was subsequently approved by the <br />City Council. The Council made the following changes to the original plan: changes to the widths <br />of some of the private streets, a larger recreation area, the addition of three passive recreation areas, <br />and the removal of two lots. Otherwise, the tentative vesting map is consistent with what the <br />Planning Commission approved. <br /> <br />Geotechnical analysis of the quarry bank stability was discussed. There could be a very small <br />displacement of the soil, but it would still fall within the City's acceptable risk policies. Since the <br />Quarry site will eventually be turned over to Zone 7 for recreational uses, Zone 7 is interested in <br />the bank stability. Another analysis will be completed before the Tentative Map is recorded. <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />March 26, 1997 <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />