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III. A Planning Area Context chapter which describes the regional and local setting , <br />parcelization and ownership , general site characteristics , and site constraints and <br />opportunities for Project development. <br />IV . A Land Use chapter which describes the land use plan, provides development <br />standards and design guidelines for the various land use districts which comprise <br />the Plan Area, provides measures for resolving potential agricultural/ <br />non-agricultural use conflicts, describes the requirements of an applicable <br />agricultural mitigation fee , and presents standards for construction activities . <br />V. A Circulation chapter which describes the existing and planned vehicular <br />circulation and trail systems, and contains standards and design guidelines for <br />street improvements and landscaping. <br />VI. A Public Facilities chapter which describes the water , sanitary sewer , storm <br />water drainage, gas and electric , telephone and cable television , emergency and <br />personal wireless communications , fire protection, and solid waste disposal <br />programs for the Plan Area . <br />VII. An Environmental Protection chapter which provides guidance for protecting <br />wetlands , wildlife, heritage trees , and potential archaeological/historical <br />resources. <br />V1Il. A Financing and Implementation chapter which presents a summary of public <br />facility financing responsibilities and phasing required to implement the Specific <br />Plan. <br />IX. A General Plan Relationship and Other Jurisdictional Policies and <br />Regulations chapter which discusses pertinent City and other agency plans , <br />policies, and procedures relevant to the Specific Plan. <br />4