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II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />The Specific Plan land use concept features a mix of single-family homes, vineyards . open <br />space , community park, elementary school , possible "wine country " related commercial uses , <br />and possible limited aggregate mining activities. The Plan is intended to facilitate the transition <br />of land uses between the urbanized edge of Pleasanton to the west and the Ruby Hill <br />development to the east. The design concept requires sensitive residential and community park <br />de sign treatment to protect the natural environmental quality of hillside areas generally south of <br />Vineyard Avenue, and the integration of "vineyard villages " (residential sub -neighborhoods) with <br />vineyards and an elementary school generally north of Vineyard Avenue. Future development <br />is planned to create an attractive visual entry to the Livermore Valley wine country , consistent <br />with the traditions of "wine country" architecture, site planning , and landscape design. The <br />protection of possible on-site and nearby aggregate mining activities is also an important <br />objective of the Plan. <br />Vineyard Avenue is planned to be realigned to the north along the Arroyo del Valle . This route <br />is intended to improve travel safety , serve as a "bypass road" from the central core of Plan Area <br />development , and create a scenic amenity for motorists by providing views of the Arroyo on the <br />north side and vineyards to the south. <br />New City water and sanitary sewer facilitie s are planned to be extended throughout the Plan <br />Area. Cost-sharing of these and all other public infrastructure is proposed on a pro-rata share <br />basis from all benefitting developers of land including the City for the community park, <br />Pleasanton Unified School District for the elementary school , residential developers for new <br />homes , and existing homeowners seeking connections to these services . <br />A summary of the land use characteristics of the Plan is presented in Table 11-1. The Specific <br />Plan Land Use Plan is illustrated in Figure IV-1. <br />5 <br />1 <br />1In addition to the uses permitted pursuant to the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan, housing is also allowed as a <br />permitted use pursuant to the 6th Cycle Housing Element. Housing Element sites shall follow the Objective Design Standards.