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D. SPECIFIC PLAN PROCESS <br />Adoption of this Specific Plan required the following governmental actions: <br />Circulation of project documents. The Draft Specific Plan along with an accompanying <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning application , and companion Draft <br />Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) were circulated for review and written comments <br />by the public and governmental agencies for a period of 45 days . <br />Park and Recreation Commission Review. During the 45-day public review period, <br />the Pleasanton Park and Recreation Commission conducted a public hearing to review <br />and comment on the Draft Specific Plan with particular emphasis on the proposed <br />community park and trails. <br />Planning Commission Hearing on the DEIR. During the 45-day public review period, <br />the Pleasanton Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to receive oral <br />comments on the DEIR. <br />Response to Comments. Following the close of the 45-day public review period, City <br />staff and consultants prepared and circulated a written response to all relevant written and <br />oral comments received on the DEIR. This response , along with the DEIR, together <br />comprise the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). <br />Further Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission then conducted <br />additional public hearings to receive public comments on the Project and formulate <br />recommendations to the City Council regarding the FEIR, Specific Plan, and PUD <br />rezoning . <br />City Council Review. The City Council then conducted formal public hearings to <br />receive public comments and approved the FEIR, Specific Plan , and PUD rezoning . <br />E. PLAN ORGANIZATION <br />This Specific Plan is organized into the following chapters: <br />I. An Introduction chapter which provides a Plan overview, presents the State <br />statutory authority for preparing a specific plan, summarizes the Specific Plan <br />history, and outlines the process used for adopting the Plan. <br />II. An Executive Summary chapter which summarizes the Specific Plan land use , <br />circulation, and infrastructure components . <br />3