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3. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed , and standards for the <br />conservation, development , and utilization of natural resources ; and <br />4. A program of implementation measures including regulations , programs , public <br />works projects , and financing measures necessary to carry out the Plan. <br />C. SPECIFIC PLAN HISTORY <br />In 1992 , upon request by a group of Vineyard Corridor property owners and recommendation <br />by the Planning Commission, the City Council directed the Planning Department to prepare a <br />specific plan for the Vineyard A venue Corridor area. A cooperative planning effort was then <br />initiated whereby City staff worked with City consultants and consultants representing the <br />property owners through a series of neighborhood meetings to evolve an administrative draft <br />plan . Then in May , 1993 , the Council referred the planning work which had been completed <br />to that point to the General Plan Steering Committee for consideration during the comprehensive <br />General Plan Update which was just then getting underway. <br />During the time that followed , a variety of land use and circulation alternatives were analyzed . <br />Then , in August , 1996 , the Council adopted the General Plan Update . The Land Use Element <br />of the updated General Plan includes guidance for the planning of the Vineyard Corridor area <br />which reads as follows: <br />"Due to the complexity of planning issues raised by the Vineyard Corridor , a <br />specific plan should be prepared to coordinate land uses , densities, aesthetics , <br />circulation, and infrastructure requirements. Future land use designations should <br />consist of Agriculture and Grazing ; Rural , Low , and Medium Density <br />Residential ; Parks and Recreation; and Commercial. Other possible uses should <br />also be considered which relate to the outlying wine country , including 'country' <br />restaurants , bed-and-breakfast inns , wineries, wine-tasting rooms , tourist <br />information, art galleries , museums, bicycle rentals , etc. The specific plan <br />should include a target of 150 housing units. An attractive gateway to the <br />Livermore Valley wine country should be accomplished by developing Vineyard <br />A venue into a scenic road entry, preserving substantial open space , planting <br />vineyards, and implementing a wine country architectural and landscape design <br />theme throughout the Corridor. " <br />In March , 1997 , the Council directed staff to re-initiate work on the Specific Plan. The first <br />step in this process was the preparation of a site economic and development feasibility analysis <br />based upon the above General Plan guidance . City consultants subsequently completed this study <br />which included several alternative land use /infrastructure concept plans . In January , 1998, the <br />Council adopted a preferred concept plan which was used as the basis for developing this <br />Specific Plan. The concept plan consisted of 189 new homes, vineyards , open space , 20-acre <br />community park , 12-acre elementary school , a realignment of Vineyard Avenue along the <br />Arroyo del Valle , and public infrastructure systems. <br />2