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I. INTRODUCTION <br />A. PLAN OVERVIEW <br />This Specific Plan is intended to serve as the primary land u se and infrastructure regulatory <br />guide for development of the 384-acre Vineyard A venue Corridor area located along Vineyard <br />A venue in southeast Pleasanton. The purpose of the Plan is to establish a unique <br />agricultural/residential environment which features a variety of agricultural , residential , open <br />space , recreational , educational , and other uses . The Plan establishes the basic land use pattern, <br />development and design standards , circulation network, infrastructure system , environmental <br />measures, financing , and implementation requirements for future development. <br />The project-related environmental analysis for the Specific Plan is contained in a separate <br />companion document entitled "Environmental Impact Report for the Vineyard Avenue Corridor <br />Specific Plan." The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) includes an analysis of potentially <br />significant project-related environmental impacts, measures for mitigating such impacts, and an <br />analysis of project alternatives . <br />The Specific Plan and EIR were prepared concurrently by City staff and consultants . This <br />process provided the opportunity for the environmental consultants to recommend mitigations <br />for otherwise potentially significant environmental impacts which could then be incorporated <br />directly into the Specific Plan. The result is what is called a "mitigated plan," or a specific plan <br />which contains the environmental mitigations within its text. This approach has allowed for a <br />more interactive exchange of information between the staff who prepared the Plan and the <br />consultants who evaluated the environmental consequences of the Plan. <br />B . STATUTORY AUTHORITY <br />Under California law, cities and counties may use the specific plan process to deve lop policies, <br />programs , and regulations for implementing their general plans in site-specific areas . A specific <br />plan frequently serves as the bridge between the general plan and site development plans in this <br />regard. <br />This Specific Plan was prepared consistent with the requirements of State planning and zoning <br />law, and as such includes text and diagrams which specify the following: <br />1. The distribution, location, and extent of land uses, including open space, within <br />the Plan Area ; <br />2 . The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of <br />public and private transportation , water, sewage , drainage, solid waste disposal, <br />energy , and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the Plan Area <br />and needed to support the land uses described in the Plan; <br />1