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ORD 2290
City of Pleasanton
2201 - 2300
ORD 2290
Entry Properties
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2/25/2025 1:13:24 PM
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2/25/2025 1:04:08 PM
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Ordinance No. 2290 <br /> Page 3 of 34 <br /> buildings have been sited to minimize impacts on surrounding neighbors to the extent feasible <br /> and have been designed to reduce their perceived mass. New landscaping would be installed <br /> throughout the site to enhance off-site views and the PUD development plan is compatible with <br /> the previously developed properties in the area and downtown. The project would include <br /> construction of residences towards the northern portion of the project, near the undevelopable <br /> area of the project site. The proposed lots adjacent to the undevelopable area would be set back <br /> 20 feet from the top of the existing bank and there would be no modifications to the bed, bank, or <br /> the Arroyo del Valle as a result of this development. <br /> 4. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is <br /> designed in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or <br /> flooding to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible. <br /> There is a gradual slope to the south and a relatively steep downward slope leading to <br /> the Arroyo del Valle Stream bed to the north. Grading is proposed in areas on the relatively flat <br /> portion of the site to maintain residential structure heights similar to adjacent residential properties <br /> when creating flat pad lots, in addition to grading for bio-retention areas, a parking lot, and the <br /> hammerhead street. Grading for building pads is expected to reach six and a half feet below the <br /> surface and excavations for utility lines and stormwater infrastructure would reach as much as <br /> nine feet below the surface. Grading would likely result in approximately 4,200 cubic yards of <br /> material being exported from the site. The Arroyo del Valle stream is north of the project site. <br /> Development would not include modifications to the bed, bank or channel of Arroyo del Valle. <br /> Erosion control and dust suppression measures would be documented in the building <br /> and improvement plans and will be administered by the City's Building and Engineering Divisions. <br /> City building code requirements would ensure that building foundations, on-site driveways, and <br /> parking areas are constructed on properly prepared surfaces. The proposed development would <br /> provide adequate drainage to prevent flooding. Parking lot and roof drainage would drain into <br /> landscaped bioretention areas that would filter contaminants before entering the arroyo and, <br /> ultimately, the bay. The proposed project site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake <br /> Fault Zone. A portion of the project site is within a designated flood zone, the northern area <br /> adjacent to Arroyo del Valle, though as conditioned, development would ensure conservation of <br /> the Arroyo Del Valle through design and best management practices. There is no proposed <br /> development or grading within 20 feet of the top of a watercourse bank, which would minimize <br /> risks associated with flood hazards and redirection of flood flows. <br /> 5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to <br /> complement the natural terrain and landscape: <br /> The Property is in a developed area of the City and would not involve the extension of <br /> any new public streets (the new street is private). The new development would be located on the <br /> more level areas of the proposed project site, and as described in Finding 3, the grading has been <br /> designed to integrate the development into the terrain. The proposed residences would be <br /> compatible in size and scale with surrounding structures. New landscaping including large box- <br /> sized trees would be installed to mitigate the loss of the existing landscaping and trees. <br /> 6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the <br /> design of the plan: <br /> The public improvements associated with the Project would be consistent with City <br /> design standards. The existing driveway entrance is located and configured to provide adequate <br /> line-of-sight viewing distance for vehicles and to facilitate efficient ingress/egress to and from the <br />
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