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Ordinance No. 2290 <br /> Page 4 of 34 <br /> proposed project site. The internal street meets City standards for emergency vehicle access and <br /> turn-around. Adequate access would be provided to all structures for police, fire, and other <br /> emergency vehicles. The new residences and commercial structures would be required to meet <br /> the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Fire Code, other applicable City codes, and State <br /> of California energy and accessibility requirements. The new residences and commercial <br /> structures would be equipped with automatic fire suppression systems (sprinklers). <br /> 7. Whether the plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD District: <br /> The proposed PUD development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district. One <br /> of the purposes of the PUD district is to ensure the desires of the Applicant and the community <br /> are understood and approved prior to commencement of construction. The proposed project <br /> implements the purposes of the PUD Ordinance in this case by providing a mixed-use project that <br /> is well-designed and well- integrated with the existing development in the vicinity, that fulfills the <br /> desires of the Applicant, and that meets the City's General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan <br /> goals and policies. By taking advantage of the flexibility of the PUD district while complementing <br /> the minimum development standards of the surrounding residential neighborhoods, and of the <br /> commercial district which this site serves as a transition, the applicant and staff have been able <br /> to work together to design the Project in a manner most appropriate for this use. Through the <br /> PUD process, the Project has provided the Applicant and the City with a development plan that <br /> optimizes the use of this site in a sensitive manner. <br /> SECTION 4. The City Council has considered the findings made in Planning <br /> Commission Resolution No. PC-2024-17, and hereby adopts the same findings by this reference, <br /> and based upon the City Council's own independent review and considerations, the City Council <br /> hereby approves Planned Unit Development Plan (PUD-146), as reflected in the plans dated, <br /> "Received September 6, 2024," for Robson Homes, LLC, attached hereto as Exhibit B and <br /> incorporated herein by this reference, subject to the Conditions of Approval, attached hereto as <br /> Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. <br /> SECTION 5. Approves the Planned Unit Development rezoning (P21-1173) of two <br /> parcels located at 475 and 493 St. John Street, totaling approximately 2.3-acres in area, from C- <br /> C (Central-Commercial) to PUD-MU (Planned Unit Development-Mixed-Use) District. <br /> SECTION 6. The Zoning Map of the City of Pleasanton, on file with the City Clerk, <br /> designating and dividing the City into zoning districts, is hereby amended by the Zoning Unit Map <br /> attached hereto as Exhibit C, and incorporated herein by this reference. <br /> SECTION 7. A summary of this ordinance shall be published once within fifteen (15) <br /> days after its adoption in "The Valley Times," a newspaper of general circulation published in the <br /> City of Pleasanton, and the complete ordinance shall be posted for fifteen (15) days in the City <br /> Clerk's office within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. <br /> SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its passage and <br /> adoption. <br /> {Signatures and votes to follow on the next page} <br />