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Ordinance No. 2290 <br /> Page 2 of 34 <br /> the Project and took testimony, and received into the record all pertinent documents related to <br /> the Project (collectively, the "Record Evidence"). The City Council's determination is based on the <br /> Record Evidence, which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. <br /> SECTION 2. On January 9, 2025, the City Council independently reviewed and <br /> analyzed the September 2024 Addendum to the Downtown Specific Plan Final Environmental <br /> Impact Report ("DSP FEIR") (SCH#2001032014) and adopted the September 2024 Addendum <br /> to the DSP FEIR. <br /> SECTION 3. Findings for approval of PUD Development Plan. With respect to Case No. <br /> PUD-146, the City Council makes the following findings and determinations with respect to each <br /> of the considerations for a PUD Development Plan as required by Section 18.68.110 of the PMC: <br /> 1. Whether the plan is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and <br /> general welfare: <br /> The Project, as conditioned, meets all applicable City standards concerning public health, <br /> safety, and welfare. The Project would include the installation of all required on-site utilities with <br /> connections to municipal systems to serve the new development. The Project will not generate <br /> volumes of traffic that cannot be accommodated by existing City streets and intersections in the <br /> area. The structures would be designed to meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, <br /> Fire Code, and other applicable City codes. Adequate access would be provided to the structures <br /> for police, fire, and other emergency response vehicles. Stormwater run-off from the site will be <br /> treated before leaving the site. Construction hour limits and dust suppression requirements would <br /> minimize construction impacts on the surrounding residents and tenants. The Project is <br /> compatible with the adjacent uses and would be consistent with the existing scale and character <br /> of the area. Therefore, the City Council found the proposed PUD development plan is in the best <br /> interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and this finding can be made. <br /> 2. Whether the plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and any <br /> applicable specific plan: <br /> The Property's General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Designations of <br /> Retail/Highway/Service Commercial Business and Professional Offices and Downtown <br /> Commercial designations permit mixed uses including mixed residential and commercial <br /> development, at the densities and intensities proposed by the project; thus, the Project would be <br /> consistent with the General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan Land Use Designations. The project <br /> would retain as undeveloped open space the area within the Public Health and Safety Wildland <br /> Overlay and Arroyo and Open Space Arroyo designations. The proposed project is located near <br /> public transportation, within proximity to the services and amenities of the Downtown area, and in <br /> an area already developed with adequately sized infrastructure. In addition, the project would <br /> preserve the commercial square-footage utilized on-site. The project would provide housing <br /> opportunities within the downtown, as well as new/replacement active commercial uses centered <br /> on a new outdoor plaza, consistent with General Plan and Specific Plan policies that seek to <br /> promote the downtown as a vibrant mixed-use district. <br /> 3. Whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the <br /> vicinity and the natural, topographic features of the site: <br /> The project site is surrounded by a variety of uses: single-family homes, townhomes, <br /> apartments, offices, and a restaurant, and is within close proximity to personal services. As <br /> conditioned, staff believes that the proposal would be compatible with the surrounding uses. The <br />