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<br />BAAHA Scope of Services Contract Year 2024/25 | Page5 <br />BAAHA will make certain that all outreach activity falls within affirmative fair housing non- <br />discrimination guidelines. BAAHA will incorporate the following outreach activities: <br />• Managing outreach to disseminate information to prospective lottery participants. <br />Outreach will be conducted through a coordinated effort with the City, and could include: <br />o Pleasanton based public announcements <br />o Direct interaction with Pleasanton employers <br />o Local press releases <br />o Posting on BAAHA’s and the City’s websites <br />o Targeted mailings – utilizing City mailing lists and/or utilizing City related <br />mailings that reach renters <br />• Advertisement placed in a local regional newspaper. <br />• At least three open houses – including two during the day and one in the evening hours. <br />This requirement, under current COVID 19 conditions, is now replaced with the requirement <br />to have a virtual tour available on the MLS and on the real estate company’s website. <br /> <br />In addition, BAAHA and City will: <br />• Contact households that have previously contacted the City/ BAAHA with an interest <br />regarding purchasing a BMR unit. <br />• Conduct outreach to City staff, City agencies (police, fire, etc.) and local school district employees. <br /> <br />Eligibility and Screening Selection Process <br /> <br />All households purchasing the property must meet basic program eligibility requirements, including: <br />• Households combined gross annual income may not exceed AMI maximum allowances <br />stipulated in the Resale Agreement as established and published for the current year by the City. <br />• Household size must be in compliance with the bedroom size/configuration of the property. <br />• Household must meet minimal financial qualifying requirements to purchase the home. <br />These requirements may be more stringent that the 1st lender’s financial qualifying <br />requirements. A list of requirements will be made available with the Lottery Application <br />Instructions to be delivered to interested buyers. <br /> <br />Buyer Intake and Data Management System <br /> <br />BAAHA will apply its established in-house Program Intake and Data Management system to <br />1) maximizes intake capacity, 2) screens all program applicants, and 3) directs ineligible <br />applications to the most appropriate resource (such as ECHO Housing) to help maximize the <br />ability for prospects to enter into the homebuyer process. <br /> <br />BAAHA’s Program and Coordinator manages the intake system and activities. The intake <br />system incorporates a Drupal platform database and a proprietary internal Excel screening, <br />analytical, and underwriting platform. <br /> <br />PHAP inquiries and applicants who do not have a current HUD-approved education certificate <br />will be directed to ECHO Housing to secure a homebuyer education certificate. BAAHA will <br />review and incorporate the City’s guidelines for education requirements. <br /> <br />   <br />     Docusign Envelope ID: 473ECB6B-08F5-49E6-8BF9-53FFB6D72DE6