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<br />6 <br />Task 3: Plan & Annex Development <br />Planning Team Meeting #1 <br />Planning Team Meeting #1 will be a virtual one-hour meeting with the Planning Team to review and gain <br />consensus on the proposed plan and annex outline. Planning Team members will have an opportunity to provide <br />feedback on plan sections, confirm the job aids that would be most beneficial to support plan activation and <br />implementation and identify departments or agencies that should be included in the stakeholder interviews. This <br />meeting will be facilitated by two members of the Tetra Tech team. <br />Stakeholder Interviews <br />Tetra Tech will conduct up to 10 one-hour virtual interviews with City departments or support agencies to collect <br />information for inclusion in the plan and annexes. These interviews will focus on their roles and responsibilities <br />during response operations, discuss plans and procedures they have in place, identify mutual aid agreements <br />that are in place, and gain consensus on plan goals and objectives. <br />Two members of the Tetra Team will support the interviews and take notes to support plan development. <br />First Draft Plan Development <br />Following the interviews, Tetra Tech will begin the first draft of the EOP and functional annexes. As requested, <br />the plan will include functional annexes for: <br />• Earthquake <br />• Wildfire <br />• Care and Shelter <br />• Severe Storm <br />• Recovery <br />Tetra Tech will also develop up to 5 job aids to support the plan. Examples may include meeting agendas, job <br />action sheets, equipment checklists, etc. The job aids will be included as Appendices to the plan. <br />Tetra Tech will provide the first draft of the plan to the Planning Team for a one-week review period before the <br />second planning team meeting. Should the team need additional information to complete plan sections, this will <br />be clearly highlighted, and the data gaps addressed with the planning team during the meeting. <br />Planning Team Meeting #2 <br />This two-hour virtual meeting will be an opportunity to gather the planning team’s feedback on the first draft of <br />the plan, discuss data gaps that need to be addressed for plan completion, and gain consensus on the developed <br />job aids. This will be the Planning Team’s opportunity to discuss additional items they feel should be included in <br />the plan, or if information should be included in an Appendix rather than the body of the plan. Two Tetra Tech <br />team members will facilitate the meeting and collect feedback on the plan. <br />Second Draft Plan Development <br />Using the information gathered from Planning Team Meeting #2, Tetra Tech will complete the development of <br />the draft plan. This second draft will undergo a technical, editorial, and quality review process by members of <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 617B9B2E-5FA3-4D49-A8B0-1A794D1CD9A7