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Page 3 of 4 <br />3. Review and advise city staff on seasonal program and service plans related to <br />the parks and recreational needs of the community and provide feedback on the <br />evaluation metrics at the workplan’s completion <br />4. Advise the City Council on capital projects related to parks, trails and recreational <br />facilities <br />5. As community leaders solicit parks, trails, and recreation related feedback from <br />the community. <br />6. Act as an advocate for parks, trails, and recreation related programs, services <br />and facilities within the community. <br />7. Serve as liaison between the city and other parks, trails and recreational-based <br />entities such as public and private businesses and institutions; local, regional, <br />state and national agencies; and private and public foundations, associations, <br />and corporations. <br /> <br />Commission Workplan <br />To ensure that commissions and committees are working in concert with the City <br />Council toward identified community goals, each commission and committee will submit <br />a work plan to the City Council. In coordination with the staff liaison, these workplans <br />should advance the ONE Pleasanton strategic plan goals and strategies and would be <br />developed concurrently with the City’s 2-year budget process and then be submitted to <br />the City Council. Given how the implementation of the workplan progresses, it may be <br />updated concurrently with the mid-term budget process. This annual workplan process <br />would be incorporated into the enacting legislation for each commission and committee <br />memorialized in the Commissioners Handbook on its next revision. <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Related Policy Recommendation to City Council <br />As subject-matter experts related to the Pleasanton parks, recreation and landscape <br />architecture, the commissioners offer valuable advice to the City Council on policies and <br />plans related to parks, trails and recreational facilities, programs and services. <br />Reviewing, updating, identifying areas for new, and opportunities to sunset outdated <br />parks and recreation policies and plans is an essential role of the commission. <br /> <br />Review and Advise City Staff on Seasonal Programs and Service Plans <br />As liaisons to the broader community, Parks and Recreation commissioners bring <br />valuable community insight to advise staff on parks and recreation programs and <br />services as well as landscape architecture projects that meet the needs and interests of <br />our diverse community. This is done both through reviewing the program and service <br />plans on the front end and also by reviewing the evaluation metrics on the back end to <br />improve future program and service planning. <br /> <br />Advise the City Council on Capital Projects Related to Parks, Trails and Recreational <br />Facilities <br />As both liaisons to the broader community and subject-matter experts on parks, trails <br />and recreational facilities, commission insight on future capital projects in these areas is <br />essential. <br />