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Page 2 of 4 <br />designated functions of an interrelated nature in the area of recreation facilities <br />as they relate to the general plan. <br />2. Formulate recommended policies regarding recreation services for <br />consideration by the city council. <br />3. Advise the city council, regarding the development of recreation areas, <br />facilities, programs and services. <br />4. Make periodic inventories of recreation services that exist or may be needed <br />and interpret the needs of the public to the city council, and all other <br />governmental agencies and civic groups as required. <br />5. To facilitate in every appropriate manner the establishment and maintenance <br />of formal and informal cooperative relationships with all entities that have <br />resources to promote local recreation services. Such entities may include, but not <br />be exclusive of, public and private businesses and institutions; local, regional, <br />state and national agencies; and private, public or quasi-public foundations, <br />associations, and corporations; all of which individually have either in part or total <br />as their function the promotion and/or provision of some phase of recreation. <br />6. Take an active role as community leaders in soliciting from the general public <br />the desires and wishes of the people, in making the needs for recreation facilities <br />and programs known along with the best possible methods of achieving such. <br />7. Advise the city council, regarding the emphasis and priorities in the <br />preparation of the annual recreation budget and a long-range capital <br />improvement program. <br /> <br />(Ord. 1819 § 1, 2001) <br /> <br />Many of the duties outlined in the existing code are overly vague. This lack of clarity <br />leads to confusion regarding what is staff work, what is commission work, and what is <br />the work of the City Council. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION <br />In order to align duties throughout the commissions, staff liaisons from the Parks and <br />Recreation, Human Services, Civic Arts, and Library Commissions reviewed the duties <br />of these four commissions. The proposed duties for your review and comment provide <br />for alignment in scope and purview for the four commissions, while allowing for subject- <br />matter specificity on each commission. <br /> <br />Below are the proposed Parks and Recreation Commission duties: <br /> <br />1. Develop a commission workplan to be provided to the City Council for <br />consideration during the budget process. The workplan should be based on the <br />goals and strategies outlined in the ONE Pleasanton Strategic Plan as well as <br />the role of the commission <br />2. Review and recommend policies and plans to the City Council related to parks, <br />trails and recreational facilities, programs and services