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CITY OF PLEASANTON 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2023-2024 – FY 2027-28 <br />STRATEGIES Year to Start <br />Livability and Community Development <br />Foster community engagement and conduct effective planning to promote a livable and <br />economically vibrant community. <br />BUILDING A COMMUNITY WHERE <br />EVERYONE BELONGS <br />STRATEGIES FY 2023-24 and <br />FY 2024-25 <br />FY 2025-26 to <br />FY 2027-28 <br />1 . Apply strategies from the City diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) action plan <br /> to increase equitable access to City programs and services for the community . X <br />2 . Develop a plan for strategic external communications to the community <br /> that focuses on priorities and integrates equitable best practices to <br /> increase the reach and access for the entire community . <br />X <br />3 . Implement high priority items from the Library and Recreation Strategic <br /> Plan to continue to deliver activities and programs that meet the needs and <br /> interests of the community . <br />X <br />4 . Implement the updated 2024-2028 Economic Development Strategic <br /> Plan initiatives, including retail revitalization, ensuring the vibrancy of <br /> Pleasanton’s downtown, business retention and expansion, and <br /> workforce development . <br />X <br />5 . Complete master planning and California Environmental Quality Act <br /> (CEQA) document for the Stoneridge Mall Framework to set the stage for <br /> future development . <br />X <br />6 . Implement the Housing Element and develop a plan to end <br /> homelessness to meet state requirements and provide opportunities for <br /> additional housing and shelter in the community . <br />X <br />7 . Create a livability index to measure community well-being, informed <br /> by the biannual community survey, to gauge effectiveness over time in <br /> meeting community interests . <br />X <br />8 . Advance strategies for preserving historic resources and the historic <br /> character of the city .X <br />9 . Advance the East Pleasanton Specific Plan .X <br />10 . Establish a partnership with a non-profit developer to secure a site and <br /> develop an affordable housing project .X <br />11 . Initiate an update of the 2005 General Plan to reflect recently adopted land <br /> use plans, evolving community needs and interests, and changes in state law .X <br />12 . Implement the results of the Human Services Needs Assessment and <br /> streamline housing, human services, and community services grant <br /> programs to increase program participation and access . <br />X <br />16