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CITY OF PLEASANTON 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2023-2024 – FY 2027-28 <br />Implementation Action Plan <br />An Implementation Action Plan, which will accompany the Strategic Plan, contains a timeline, and assigns a lead <br />person for each strategy and action step . Timelines may be adjusted based on changing priorities, budget, and <br />personnel availability . <br />To fully implement our Strategic Plan, everyone within the City of Pleasanton will need to understand how his or her <br />work relates to the vision and changes contemplated through the strategies . <br />The collective work of all employees is what will make Pleasanton’s services to our residents <br />truly integrated. <br />Implementation will involve several key elements: <br />• Detailed work planning <br />• Budgeting and resources <br />• Responsible lead <br />• Timelines <br />Reporting and Updating <br />Regular progress reporting and an annual status report will inform the City Council and the public on the status of <br />the Strategic Plan implementation . The Strategic Plan will be updated after two years or as needed to reflect needs <br />and circumstances that may have arisen since its adoption in 2023 . <br />IMPLEMENTING, REPORTING AND UPDATING <br />17