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CITY OF PLEASANTON 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2023-2024 – FY 2027-28 <br />GOAL B STRATEGIES Year to Start <br />Infrastructure, Public Facilities, and Environmental Sustainability <br />Promote effective use of existing facilities through maintenance and repair and plan for future facilities, <br />amenities, and infrastructure to benefit the community with a focus on environmental stewardship . <br />GOAL B: INVESTING IN OUR ENVIRONMENT <br />STRATEGIES FY 2023-24 and <br />FY 2024-25 <br />FY 2025-26 to <br />FY 2027-28 <br />1 . Implement the four-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to complete <br />design and construction of budgeted capital projects . X <br />2 . Develop an Asset Management Plan to address comprehensive long- <br /> term planning for maintenance, renovation, repair and/or replacement of <br />infrastructure and public facilities to meet current and future needs . <br />X <br />3 . Identify funding and implement the recommendations from the Water <br />Supply Alternative Study to address perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl <br />substances (PFAS) water quality issues . <br />X <br />4 . Complete the Water System Master Plan to reflect current and future <br />operations and identify system improvements and necessary maintenance .X <br />5 . Update the Sewer System Master Plan to reflect current and <br />future operations and identify system improvements and <br />necessary maintenance . <br />X <br />6 . Continue to implement priority items from the Climate Action <br />Plan 2 .0 (CAP) .X <br />7 . Continue to invest in parks, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure to <br />improve traffic safety, promote climate resilience, and increase equitable <br />access to recreational opportunities . <br />X <br />8 . Develop the Accessibility for Disabled Americans (ADA) Transition Plan to <br />enhance access to community facilities and amenities .X <br />9 . Develop the Stormwater Master Plan to protect the environment, reduce <br />flooding, and reduce demand for stormwater drainage systems .X <br />10 . Create a citywide Fiber Master Plan that outlines a plan for building <br />and managing a fiber optic network that provides increased <br />redundancies and communication . <br />X <br />11