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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-27 <br />Eight percent of all households in Pleasanton, or 2,291 households, are considered large <br />households (those that contain five or more members). Therefore, the housing mix in Pleasanton <br />is considered adequate to accommodate larger household sizes. However, given that almost six <br />percent of large households are also lower income, there may be a need to ensure that larger <br />(three or more bedroom) affordable housing units are available for these households. <br />This Housing Element includes Policy 2.1, which in part supports use of the Lower-Income <br />Housing Fund for housing developments proposed by non-profit developers that include a high <br />proportion of affordable units suitable to accommodate a variety of household types and sizes, <br />including units with more than two bedrooms suitable for large families. Program 2.1 includes <br />implementing a target mix of units through the inclusionary ordinance or objective design <br />standards, such as requiring a proportion of larger (three or more bedroom) lower-income units. <br />Senior Households <br />Senior households often experience a combination of factors that can make accessing or keeping <br />affordable housing a challenge. They frequently live on fixed incomes and are more likely to have <br />disabilities, chronic health conditions, and/or reduced mobility. There are 1,035 extremely low- <br />income senior households in Pleasanton (make no more than 30 percent of AMI). <br />Seniors who rent may be at even greater risk for housing challenges than those who own, due to <br />income differences between these groups. The largest proportion of senior households who rent <br />make no more than 30 percent of AMI, while the largest proportion of senior households who are <br />homeowners falls in the income group Greater than 100 percent of AMI (see Figure A-20). <br />Figure A-20: Senior Households by Income and Tenure <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Senior households <br />For the purposes of this graph, senior households are those with a householder who is aged 62 or older. Income groups are based <br />on HUD calculations for Area Median Income (AMI). HUD calculates the AMI for different metropolitan areas, and the nine county <br />Bay Area includes the following metropolitan areas: Napa Metro Area (Napa County), Oakland-Fremont Metro Area (Alameda and <br />Contra Costa Counties), San Francisco Metro Area (Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties), San Jose- Sunnyvale-Santa <br />Clara Metro Area (Santa Clara County), Santa Rosa Metro Area (Sonoma County), and Vallejo-Fairfield Metro Area (Solano <br />County). The AMI levels in this chart are based on the HUD metro area where this jurisdiction is located. <br />47% <br />67%64%79%91% <br />53% <br />33%36%21%9% <br />0% <br />10% <br />20% <br />30% <br />40% <br />50% <br />60% <br />70% <br />80% <br />90% <br />100% <br />0%-30% of AMI 31%-50% of AMI 51%-80% of AMI 81%-100% of <br />AMI <br />Greater than <br />100% of AMIPercent of HouseholdsOwner Occupied Renter Occupied