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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-13 <br />Figure A-7: Annual Earnings by Residents and Jobs in Pleasanton <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: workers 16 years and over with earnings <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year <br />Data 2015-2019, B08119, B08519) <br /> <br />Figure A-8 shows the balance of a jurisdiction’s resident workers to the jobs located there for <br />different wage groups as a ratio instead - a value of one means that a city has the same number <br />of jobs in a wage group as it has resident workers - in principle, a balance. Values above one <br />indicate a jurisdiction will need to import workers for jobs in a given wage group. Pleasanton has <br />the greatest need to import workers for lower-wage jobs ($1,250 - $3,333 per month). At the <br />regional scale, the overall ratio is 1.40 jobs for each worker, implying a modest import of workers <br />from outside the region. <br /> 3,4533,6805,1254,89423,1804,8377,33111,6019,30426,8770 <br />5,000 <br />10,000 <br />15,000 <br />20,000 <br />25,000 <br />30,000 <br />Less than $9,999 $10,000 to <br />$24,999 <br />$25,000 to <br />$49,999 <br />$50,000 to <br />$74,999 <br />$75,000 or moreWorker PopulationAnnual Earnings <br />Pleasanton Residents Jobs in Pleasanton