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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-7 <br />A.2.2 Age <br />The distribution of age groups in a city shapes what types of housing the community may need in <br />the near future. An increase in the older population may mean there is a developing need for more <br />senior housing options, while higher numbers of children and young families can point to the need <br />for more family housing options and related services. There has also been a move by many to <br />age-in-place or downsize to stay within their communities, which can mean more multi-family and <br />accessible units are also needed. <br />In Pleasanton, the median age in 2000 was 36.6; by 2019, this figure had increased to around 41 <br />years. In comparison, the median age in Alameda County and statewide was around 38 and 36.5 <br />years respectively. The population of seniors (65 years and above) increased 149 percent since <br />2000 and makes up almost 15 percent of the population. Statewide, the population of seniors <br />comprises approximately 12 percent of total population. Additionally, the population of those <br />above 45 years has increased since 2010 (see Figure A-2). Since 2000, the City has produced <br />a total of approximately 911 new senior housing units, which has provided much needed housing <br />for seniors and attracted new senior residents to the city. <br />Figure A-2: Pleasanton’s Population by Age, 2000-2019 <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Total population <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data ((U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 SF1, Table P12; U.S. <br />Census Bureau, Census 2010 SF1, Table P12; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year Data <br />(2015-2019), Table B01001) <br /> <br />Looking at the senior and youth population by race can add an additional layer of understanding, <br />as families and people of color are even more likely to experience challenges finding affordable <br />housing. People of color (all non-White racial groups) make up 21.4 percent of seniors, 44.9 <br />percent of people aged 18-64, and 55.3 percent of youth under 18 years of age (see Figure A-3). 4.4k10.8k6.3k8.0k13.3k10.5k5.6k2.7k1.6k0.6k3.9k11.3k8.2k6.3k10.9k13.6k8.4k4.4k2.3k0.9k3.5k12.3k8.9k7.9k11.4k14.3k11.3k6.5k4.0k1.6k0 <br />2,000 <br />4,000 <br />6,000 <br />8,000 <br />10,000 <br />12,000 <br />14,000 <br />16,000 <br />Age 0-4 Age 5-14 Age 15- <br />24 <br />Age 25- <br />34 <br />Age 35- <br />44 <br />Age 45- <br />54 <br />Age 55- <br />64 <br />Age 65- <br />74 <br />Age 75- <br />84 <br />Age 85+Population2000 2010 2019