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A-8 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Figure A-3: Pleasanton’s Senior and Youth Population by Race <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Total population <br />In the sources for this table, the Census Bureau does not disaggregate racial groups by Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity, and an <br />overlapping category of Hispanic / non-Hispanic groups has not been shown to avoid double counting in the stacked bar chart. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year <br />Data (2015-2019), Table B01001(A-G)) <br />A.2.3 Race/Ethnicity <br />Understanding the racial makeup of a city and region is important for designing and implementing <br />effective housing policies and programs. These patterns are shaped by both market factors and <br />government actions, such as exclusionary zoning, discriminatory lending practices and <br />displacement that has occurred over time and continues to impact communities of color today. <br />Pleasanton has a higher share of residents identifying as White, Non-Hispanic and a smaller <br />share of residents identifying as American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American <br />compared to the county and region. In 2020, half of Pleasanton’s population was White, 34.6 <br />percent was Asian, 9.5 percent was Latinx, and 1.8 percent was African American. According to <br />the 2020 Census, 43 percent of the Pleasanton’s population was White, 39.4 percent was Asian, <br />9.9 percent Latinx, and 1.7 percent was African American. <br />39%37% <br />18% <br />13%6% <br />45%55% <br />79% <br />0% <br />10% <br />20% <br />30% <br />40% <br />50% <br />60% <br />70% <br />80% <br />90% <br />100% <br />Age 0-17 Age 18-64 Age 65+PopulationWhite (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic) <br />Other Race or Multiple Races (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic) <br />Black or African American (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic) <br />Asian / API (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic) <br />American Indian or Alaska Native (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic)