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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 66 <br />Program 7.5 <br />Conduct outreach to educate the community about affordable housing and its benefits to the <br />community. This would include multi-lingual educational flyers with graphics and photographs <br />showing examples of affordable housing projects in Pleasanton and/or the surrounding region <br />(e.g., Tri-Valley, East Bay, etc.). <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Prepare outreach materials by March 2024 and distribute throughout the <br />planning period biannually <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br /> Quantified Objective: The aim is to eliminate appeals filed against City approvals of <br />affordable housing developments <br /> Geographic Targeting: While outreach will occur citywide, enhance outreach efforts, either <br />through additional opportunities (e.g., in-person events, physical material posting or <br />distribution, etc.) or more frequent outreach, in Racial or Ethnically Concentrated Areas of <br />Affluence (RCAAs) <br />Program 7.6 <br />To promote more housing choices and affordability in lower density areas, the City will facilitate <br />housing on religious institution/faith-based sites. In addition to outreach identified in Program 1.5 <br />(#3), the City will expedite processing of housing applications on religious institution/faith-based <br />sites. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br /> Time Period: See Program 1.5; if no application for housing on a religious institution/faith- <br />based site is received by December 2025, the City will modify outreach efforts to be <br />conducted annually <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget <br /> Quantified Objective: Permit 10 housing units on a religious institution/faith-based site(s) <br />with a target of 60 percent of units in the highest income areas during the 2023-2031 <br />planning period. <br /> Geographic Targeting: Religious institution/faith-based properties in lower density areas <br />and areas of relatively higher income (i.e., see Appendix F, Figure F-9: Median Household <br />Income) (e.g., Area 26 – St. Augustine) <br />