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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 56 <br />Program 5.4 <br />Continue to require both market-rate and affordable projects to conform to Chapters 11A and 11B <br />of the California Building Code with respect to incorporation of accessibility features. Additionally, <br />for multi-family projects with more than 15 units, strongly encourage developers to incorporate <br />enhanced accessibility features in required adaptable units (such as roll-in showers, variable <br />height work surfaces, and wider hallway and door widths) through expedited review or other <br />methods. An equal or greater proportion of required adaptable very low- and low-income units as <br />adaptable market-rate units in the project shall be provided with such features, to meet the needs <br />of persons with disabilities and to allow for aging in place. With respect to single-family, duplex, <br />and tri-plex projects not covered by Chapters 11A and 11B, adopt a local Universal Design <br />Ordinance consistent with the HCD Universal Design Model Ordinance that requires enhanced <br />accessibility in a proportion of units within projects of a specified size. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Building and Safety Division <br /> Time Period: Adopt Universal Design Ordinance by September 2023; implement Universal <br />Design Ordinance and multi-family accessibility requirements as project applications are <br />submitted <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Building and Safety Division Budget, <br />developer funds <br /> Quantified Objective: Enhanced accessibility features included in all projects subject to <br />the Universal Design Ordinance during the planning period; target the application of <br />Universal Design Ordinance and multi-family accessibility requirements to the production <br />of 50 units by March 2026 and another 50 units by January 2031 <br /> Geographic Targeting: Achieve accessible units in all types of developments throughout <br />the city (the entire city is identified as high and highest resource by the California Tax <br />Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC)) <br /> <br />Program 5.5 <br />Assign a portion of the City's Lower Income Housing Fund for housing projects which <br />accommodate the needs of special housing groups such as for persons with physical, mental, <br />and/or developmental disabilities, and persons with extremely low-incomes and experiencing <br />homelessness. <br /> Responsible Agency: Housing Division, Planning Division <br /> Time Period: Annually, as part of the allocation process for the Lower Income Housing <br />Fund; target development of assisted units by 2031 <br /> Funding Source: Lower Income Housing Fund