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57 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br /> Quantified Objective: Reserve a minimum of 1015 percent of available funding for this <br />purpose, with the goal of providing 2540 assisted units <br /> Geographic Targeting: While funding special housing needs groups throughout <br />Pleasanton is desired (the entire city is identified as high and highest resource by the <br />California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC), aim to fund special needs housing <br />located in highest resource areas and/or Racial or Ethnically Concentrated Areas of <br />Affluence (RCAAs) and areas of relatively higher income (i.e., see Appendix F, Figure F- <br />9: Median Household Income) <br /> <br />Program 5.6 <br />Implement the following amendments to Title 18 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code, Zoning, to <br />remove governmental constraints and facilitate special needs housing: <br />1. Explicitly allow for Single Room Occupancy units (SROs) to facilitate the provision of <br />affordable housing for lower-income individuals, including seniors, persons with <br />disabilities, and extremely low-income persons. <br />2. Allow residential care facilities (sometimes called group homes) with six or fewer <br />residents as a residential use and subject to the same development standards as a <br />single-family dwelling. No conditional use permit, zoning variance, or other zoning <br />clearance will be required of a residential facility that serves six or fewer persons that <br />is not required of a family dwelling of the same type in the same zone. Also, allow <br />residential care facilities with seven or more residents in all residential zones subject <br />to a determination that such uses will conform to City noise, parking, and similar <br />standards such that these larger facilities do not negatively impact neighborhoods, but <br />are reviewed in an objective manner similar to other residential uses. (i.e., processed <br />under the same approval process as a large single-family home). The residents and <br />operators of a residential care facility will be considered a family for the purposes of <br />any law or zoning ordinance that relates to the residential use of property. However, <br />“six or fewer persons” does not include the operator, operator’s family, or persons <br />employed as staff. <br />3. Allow transitional and supportive housing by right in all zones which allow residential <br />uses, subject to the same standards of similar dwellings, consistent with state law. <br />Additionally, transitional and supportive housing that qualifies under AB 2162 will be <br />allowed by right in zones where multi-family and mixed uses are allowed, including <br />nonresidential zones that allow multi-family uses, consistent with AB 2162 <br />(Government Code §65651). <br />4. Allow low barrier navigation centers by-right in all areas zoned for mixed-uses and <br />nonresidential zones permitting multi-family uses, consistent with AB 101 <br />(Government Code §65660 et seq.).