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<br />B-14 | City of Pleasanton Sites Inventory and Methodology <br />the 4th Cycle Housing Element), and the area zoned for higher density comprises 10 acres <br />currently used as a surface parking lot, and therefore, categorized as lower income. Six of <br />those 10 acres are currently proposed for a high-density residential project (see Table B-3), <br />with the remaining four of those 10 acres available to accommodate additional lower income <br />unit development (see Table B-8, below). Similarly, some parcels included for potential <br />rezoning to accommodate lower-income RHNA are larger than 10 acres, but the portion of the <br />parcel available for development, and that would be rezoned for density of at least 30 units per <br />acre, is less than 10 acres. Although the portion of individual parcels designated for lower <br />income is no more than 10 acres, Program 1.7 is included to address how development of <br />larger sites would be facilitated. <br />Table B-8: Parcels Greater than 10 Acres Included as Lower Income Sites <br />APN Total Parcel <br />Acreage <br />Acreage Designated <br />for Lower Income <br />Capacity <br />Description Lower Income <br />Capacity <br />946 125100704 49.07 5 Vacant (Rezone Area 21: Kiewit) 1501 <br />941 120109403 28.63 42 <br />Stoneridge Shopping Center surface <br />parking lots (portion under existing <br />PUD-MU zoning) <br />301 <br />941 277800305 20.61 3 <br />Vacant. Surplus portion of Oracle <br />Campus Site (Rezone Area 29: <br />Oracle) <br />135180 <br />941 276100403 16.35 2 Surface parking lot (Rezone Area 7: <br />Hacienda Terrace) 60 <br />941 277900900 15.51 5 <br />Commercial/Retail (Party City and <br />vacant building) and surface parking <br />lot (Rezone Area 9: Metro 580) <br />225300 <br />1 Mixed-income site, also accommodating capacity for above moderate-income units. <br />2 4 of 10 acres currently zoned for housing (PUD-MU) remain available, given the proposed 360-unit housing development <br />on 6 acres at this site (see Table B-3). <br />Source: City of Pleasanton, Alameda County Assessor, LWC <br /> <br />Sites in zones allowing at least 30 units per acre and less than 0.5 acres were identified as <br />consolidated sites if an abutting parcel was under the same ownership and had development <br />potential; no consolidated site has more than two owners. This allowed a few sites in the <br />downtown area to be consolidated and comply with the size threshold for lower income. The <br />Downtown Specific Plan, updated in 2019, includes policies to encourage higher density <br />residential and affordable units through incentives (e.g., expedited permit processing, fee <br />waivers, reduced parking, etc.), anticipated to facilitate development in the downtown area. <br />Consolidated sites for lower income are noted in Table B-9. <br />