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Housing Needs Assessment City of Pleasanton | A-59 <br />Figure A-43: Median Contract Rent <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent <br />For unincorporated areas, median is calculated using distribution in B25056. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year <br />Data releases, starting with 2005-2009 through 2015-2019, B25058, B25056 (for unincorporated areas). County and <br />regional counts are weighted averages of jurisdiction median using B25003 rental unit counts from the relevant year) <br /> <br />A.5.3 Overpayment <br />A standard measure of housing affordability can be determined by comparing the cost of market <br />rate housing to the price residents can afford to pay for housing based on their income levels. A <br />household is considered “cost-burdened” if it spends more than 30 percent of its monthly income <br />on housing costs, while those who spend more than 50 percent of their income on housing costs <br />are considered “severely cost-burdened.” Low-income residents are the most impacted by high <br />housing costs and experience the highest rates of cost burden. When a household is overpaying <br />for housing costs, the household has less disposable income for other necessities, including <br />health care, food, and clothing. Spending such large portions of their income on housing puts low- <br />income households at higher risk of displacement, eviction, or homelessness. In the event of <br />unexpected circumstances, such as loss of employment and health problems, lower-income <br />households with a burdensome housing cost are more likely to become homeless or be forced to <br />double-up with other households. <br />Pleasanton has a lower proportion of cost-burdened households compared to the county and the <br />Bay Area. Of Pleasanton’s households, approximately 17 percent are cost burdened, and 13 <br />percent are severely cost burdened. In the county, the proportions increase to 20 percent and 17 <br />percent, respectively. <br /> $1,000 <br /> $1,200 <br /> $1,400 <br /> $1,600 <br /> $1,800 <br /> $2,000 <br /> $2,200 <br /> $2,400 <br />2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019Dollars <br />Pleasanton Alameda County Bay Area