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A-52 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Figure A-37: Housing Tenure by Age <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Occupied housing units <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year <br />Data (2015-2019), Table B25007) <br />A.4.3 Housing Units Permitted <br />Between 2015 and 2019, 1,941 housing units were issued permits in Pleasanton. Of these <br />housing units permitted, 80.2 percent were for above moderate-income housing, 2.0 percent were <br />for moderate-income housing, and 17.8 percent were for low- or very low-income housing (see <br />Table A-14). Because a large share of its 6th Cycle RHNA is allocated for lower-income housing, <br />the City’s housing plan (Section 4) contains additional programs and policies to increase the <br />representation of very low, low, and moderate-income units permitted. <br /> <br />20% <br />34% <br />54% <br />75%86%92%84% <br />70% <br />54% <br />80% <br />66% <br />46% <br />25%14%8%16% <br />30% <br />46% <br />0% <br />10% <br />20% <br />30% <br />40% <br />50% <br />60% <br />70% <br />80% <br />90% <br />100% <br /> Age 15- <br />24 <br /> Age 25- <br />34 <br /> Age 35- <br />44 <br /> Age 45- <br />54 <br /> Age 55- <br />59 <br /> Age 60- <br />64 <br /> Age 65- <br />74 <br /> Age 75- <br />84 <br /> Age 85+Percent of HouseholdsOwner Occupied Renter Occupied